/sigh... Help?

  • James Nguyen
    18 years ago

    Well, I'm in love with my girlfriend.. we've been together for 1 year and 3 months. =) I've always been happy with her, in my eyes she's the perfect woman.

    But all she can see in herself is that she is hated.. She never wants to tell me what's wrong.. Is it that she doesn't trust me?

    When she's happy.. and laughing my god, I feel so happy... it's her laughter that keeps me alive in this world.. I really love her.. when she "cuts" herself.. I dont know what to do..

    I ALWAYS get mad at myself and have and always will think of cutting myself, I always think its something I've done wrong..

    I would do anything for this girl... I would do anything to make her stop hurting herself.. anything..

    What I'm mainly asking is.. to former cutters.. what helped you get through it? My girlfriend is stubborn.. but there HAS to be a way.. She's getting counciling but she shouldn't have needed it in the first place..

    =/.. I write poems to make her feel better... it always put a smile on her face.. I love her.. and will do anything.. I just need some advice..

  • *BeAuTiFuLlY*iNaDeQuEtE*
    18 years ago

    k, well in my experience, it isn't that she doesn't trust yu, it might be that she doesn't think you'll understand, or maybe she thinks you'll treat here differently. I don't think you should try and stop her cutting, because that might make her feel like you're ashamed of her or embarrased of her and it could make matters worse. The only thing I could really suggest is if you see her cuts, don't make a big deal about it, and if you ask her about it, and she gets embarrassed don't push it
    I hope this is helpful, you seem like you really love her

  • James Nguyen
    18 years ago

    Wow, thanks guys. I never thought of not saying "Dont cut" i'll try and see what happens. THank you


  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Funny post...