Can't Upload Avatar

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago


    I just joined about two days ago and so far none of my attempts at uploading my picture have worked.

    This text is displayed above the site content and menus,

    Warning: move_uploaded_file(gallery/20/208434): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/poems-and-quotes/edit_photo.html on line 30

    Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpplVzay' to 'gallery/20/208434' in /www/poems-and-quotes/edit_photo.html on line 30

    My image is 122x130, 8kps and uses the .jpg extension.

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago

    Erm bump....

    Hello, I'd really like to have an avatar...

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Tony, you would really like to have th eavatar? How old are you. No just kidding. That cartoon rocks. I bought the first dvd and will buy the second. And did you know that kid who played rufio in hook is prince suko

  • Alex Marlatt
    18 years ago

    Mr. Mastandrea, I believe he is talking about cartoonish looking versions of people, I dunno I might be wrong in which case if I am, I am just plain stupid, but the point is he is not talking about a show (or at least I think he isn't as I pointed out before)

  • Alex Marlatt
    18 years ago

    oh btw Tony, I think the reason is because the picture has to be 100x100 or smaller.
    You said yours was a bigger picture did you not?

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago

    Erm... An Avatar means a display picture...

    And it still won't work... That code I posted above is still showing up no matter what I do. I've even changed my format a few times and made the picture smaller...

    Help me please.

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago

    "Here you can upload your photo. It will be displayed in your profile. Post only your own photos; don't post indecent pictures - violation of these rules will result in suspension of your account. Images should be in JPG or GIF format and not bigger than 130x150 pixels and 20Kb"

    It can be no bigger then 130x150. Mine is smaller than that and is 8kb. I've tried uploading the .bmp one and the .jpg one with no such luck.

  • Gone
    18 years ago

    It wont let me upload any pictures at all either..

  • Synh
    18 years ago

    same here, i cant get any pictures either

  • Frank
    18 years ago

    i have the same problem, it says the thing about line 30... i tried more than 10 different avatar with different size and none of them work

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Im getting the same problem =[ I really wana put an avatar up =[ Has anyone figured out how to make it work..?