recovering over a heart-break

  • Lauren
    18 years ago

    ok so here's the story::
    my boyfriend and i went out for about 5 months (not long but long enough to really get to know him). we talked about anything and everything. i told him all my secrets that i didn't even tell my girl friends. i really fell in love with him. hard. then one day in gym class he and his friend came up to me. my boyfriend got behind me and his friend got in front. they started to grope me and said really rude things. and ever since that day, we kind of fell apart. i feel that it was my fault. he broke up with me, and he now has a new girlfriend. they do all the things we used to do RIGHT infront of me. it kills me so much. i honestly, truly loved him. he was the first person i loved. i've tried so many things to get over him. even after what he did, i still love him. can anyone help on recovering of a heartbreak? thanks.

  • Shelly
    18 years ago

    All I can say is if he's going to do stuff like that you then he doesn't disserve you. Yuo've probably heard this a lot but... there's someone else out there that's going to treat you how you should be treated.
    if you ever need someone to talk to... you can always email me.

    always here.

  • NK
    18 years ago

    why do you think its your fault.. HE made you feel uncomfortable in the gym.. and now HE has moved on without looking back... so cheer up.. the first never works..

    18 years ago

    it is sooooo not your fault!!
    i been in love and then been broken up with, i kno how hard break ups are!!! i jus broke up with myne and have been so depressed and begging him to jus let me see him for a few minutes!! i kno how hard break ups are for sure!!!
    but i don see how it could be your fault!!! but if he thinks its ok for him and his friend to grope u in p e class, he's wrong!! but if he wants the kinda female that will let him do sick things like that, thas his loss!!!
    but does he purposelly try to make u feel bad by like doin stuff with his gf in front of u? cuz thas immature!! u shouldn't play n e lil games n think of the bad stuff about him and how there's such thing as 'love after love' !!
    but after being left by my first love, i thought i wouldn't find another and i was depressed for 2 months until i found another and i was with this guy for almost a year!! there's so many guys out there and he obviously wasn't the best!!
    but try to find comfort in friends and maybe family. u can always send me a message!

  • Tara Kay
    18 years ago

    Lauren, sweetheart.
    I know it hurts, i know it feels as if your world has ended, but there are other guys out there, believe me, if he does this to you you dont deserve him.

    If you need to talk, I am here

  • Becky
    18 years ago

    unfortunatly there really isn't anything you can do to recover except for wait. You will never really get over him( i know from expierence) and it will never really stop hurting but you will leanr to deal with it, you just have to wait and tell yourslef that it wasn;t your fault cuz it wasn't he is just a guy, and that's how some guys are. It's ok if it hurts it's only natural. I believe that everything happens for a reason and you can't really stop anythign that is meant to happen from happening. Sadly enough your first love isn't always the one you stay with for the rest of your life.It hurts I know after 3 years I am still trying to get myself to belive that it jsut wasn't right. Maybe you should take up a new hoby to help get your mind off of him. I hoped I helpd some. Kepp your head up it will be ok.

    lot sof love