IC: What We Should ALL Do!

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    Lets just argue!

    Oh. Wait.

    We have like ten threads for that already :x.

    Alright then, lets see. Lets talk about how the Bush admin wants to give control of some of our key ports to the Middle East.

    Or about how Cheney shot some dude in the face and gave him a heart attack. That'd be pretty awesome too.


  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    We should pray that the U.S.A. survives this administration not to offend anyone

  • HansRik
    18 years ago

    Think about it, if the USA does not survive this administration, would that be necessarily bad?

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago

    Hahaha, the Cheney thing is so hilarious. Think about it, they didn't have licenses to hunt, and the guy he shot was standing BEHIND him. It's obvious this was no accident. The guy probably was planning some polictical scheme to derail Cheney or something.

    And so Cheney turned around and shot him in the face.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    What's really scary is that good ol' Jebb may very well be the next republican candidate :x.

    A woman? Or ANOTHER Bush?

    Tough call for the American people.

  • HansRik
    18 years ago

    Women are not necessarily better politicians. Why do people keep generalising? Well, I guess, for your country, Bush has been one of the worst monsters to sit in the White House, but he cracks me up. I mean, how many presidents actually look like chimpanzees (maybe Darwin was right about evolution, after all)?

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Women, know how to take care of everything. It's just who they are. Are you saying a woman cannot be the mother of the nation.

    18 years ago

    I think Hillary would be an awesome president. She practically ran the country when Bill was president, so it's pretty safe to say that she's experienced.
    But at this point in time, I think a trained monkey would be a better president than the current tyrant.

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago

    I think everyone here contradicts themselves when they say they are for women rights. Because people in women rights acts think they are better then men. It's a never ending discrimination race.

    Like with blacks. They have their freedom now but yet we still put all the spotlight on them. Which is just setting them out still.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I hate to sound like an old friend, but that was one bad answer, miss... trained monkey? seriously?

    Hiliary didn't practically run the country back in Bill's reign, Bill was diplomatic genius. Hiliary is only with Bill because Bill has the one thing she needs more than anything in the world: A link to power.

    Why don't you think she left his cheatin' arse when Monica 'blew' the lid on the 'state' of 'affairs'. (bad puns I know, but *shrugs* easy ammo, easy trigger, easy shot... Like smacking a cow's backside with a banjo.) Fact is you know she likes it where the power is strongest.

    Also, everyone and his best mate knows that Kerry was chosen so he'd lose and she could run after she's had more time and experience in the senate.

    Anyway, McCain will be a better Pres than Hiliary ever could be... if he can fend off Condi's charge.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Tony, since coming to the states I have noticed that Blacks segregate themselves. Go figure.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    ^More truth than most can handle.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I think Calvin and Hobbes should be the next rulers of America.

    And Pinky and the Brain can take over Britian.

    And the Animaniacs can have the rest of the world.

    How much fun would that be?

    Seriously guys...doesn't matter who takes over...the same crap is going to happen...the only thing we can do about it is apply as much public pressure as we can without getting arrested [or caught] so that the politicians are forced to change the world for the better.

    Anyone who thinks that voting in puppet A over puppet B is an excercise in democracy is sadly mistaken.

  • Synh
    18 years ago

    God... America got screwed over big time evre since Bush was put into power... geez...