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  • Lost Soul 691
    18 years ago

    There are so many great writers and poems on this site and I'm interested in trying to keep track of where I've left off and which works I've read of theirs.

    Is there any way to easily extract the poets's name, poem title, and type?

    This would then allow me to sort and mark accordingly without having to spend a lot of time inputting into another file … and from the numbers posted for some authors that I want to read more in depth … save a bunch of trees. Currently printing from their profile lists is not environmentally friendly.

    Some would say to just make note; however, as I don't read in chronological order of posting, this doesn't work for me.

    Looking for suggestions on how others currently track and/or suggesting a condensed sort option within the profile.


  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Yes, that is a good idea, makes you see what you written, and who you written it too in chronological order.

    Very good suggestion Lost...