why can't you all get along and stop fighting.......:)

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    I agree

  • Michelle
    20 years ago

    agreed as well Sparky :)

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    I agree. Thank god somebody told this. Well said SB.

  • Cantchangeme
    20 years ago

    Love, Peace and Empathy

  • xo Shan ox
    20 years ago

    I agree but then again disagree if you dont want critism then you shouldnt be posting your poems on here cause there are going to be people who dont like what you are writing and they are gonna say it and i dont mean to be rude but if you dont like what they are saying when they are giving their honest opinion then you shouldnt be puting our poems somewhere where the public can read + comment on them.. my 2 cents sorry if i came off a lil rude i didnt intend to be


  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    it's also about those who disrespect other poets, right? yeah, why CAN'T we get along and stop fighting, eh? i know i do...

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    constructive criticism is different from insults, and so while I condone the former, I don't think the latter helps anyone.

    btw... I hope I got that former and latter thing right, heh.

  • My Obsεssion
    20 years ago

    Yeah if you get a comment you don't like...just ignore it. Not everyone can like your poetry; there are bound to be people out there that don't and are going to make that known to you. I also think that there is a fine line between honest critique and just plain being rude. I mean you can say that you didn't like a certain part in a poem or that you didn't like it's subject matter, form, or that maybe you just didn't like the poem at all but there is no need to attack the poet themselves saying that they suck and all their poems suck and that they're just wasting their time writing or something like that. I don't mean that you have to sugar coat everything you say, I for one like good honest critique but like I said..please don't go attacking the poet themselves. It's just plain rude I think. That's what I got to say on the subject..