
  • heather
    18 years ago

    hey every 1 i was just wondering if any of you peoplel knew where Goldenknight is cause its been so long since i talked 2 him and well i want to so if anyone knows where he is please let me kno luv heather

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Huh? Speak English? This is a literate site. o.O

  • F@n©y Ket©hup
    18 years ago

    Oh...so -that's- what she said.

    I thought it was:

    Hey every (number one). I can't seem to spell "was" and my fingers are stuck on the "j/w" buttons. If I can't seem to spell "any" of (every race but mine) knows where "Goldenknight" is I can't seem to spell "cause" it has been so long since I talked (number two) him and well, I want (number two) so if I can't seem to spell "any" (number one) knows where he is, I can't seem to spell "please" let me kno(I forgot the "w"). I can't seem to spell "love", but at least I spelled my name right. Heather.

    Talk about being way off.


  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    LMAO. Ah you just cheered me up no end!

    18 years ago

    It hurts to laugh this hard.
    Well done :D

  • heather
    18 years ago

    lol sorry about that I can spell I just was ina hurry because i had to get offline, but yeah sorry if i confused any of you it wasn't my intention well got to go