What do you look like?

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    I don't think it was asking if you'd date me or some thing...

  • s h e l l
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: brown
    Hair style: long
    Nose: normal
    Eye colour: blue green
    Eyes shape: normal
    Glasses: no
    Lips (Full, flat): full i think
    Skin colour: white
    Have any birthmarks: no
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: curvy
    Height: 165cm
    Any tattoos: no
    Any piercing: yes
    Any deformations: any what?
    Do you consider yourself attractive: not really, sometimes
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: thy say they do
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: umm u tell me
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: myself
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: dnt no dnt care
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: nope
    What are your personality traits?: nice always there
    What do you think of the person above you?: dont know them

  • lover girl
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour:blond but i wanna died it black
    Hair style:long thick
    Eye colour:Hazel
    Eyes shape:oval
    Lips (Full, flat): full
    Skin colour: white
    Have any birthmarks:ya.. on my butt
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc:curvey
    Any tattoos:no not yet
    Any piercing:7
    Any deformations:no
    Do you consider yourself attractive:sometimes
    Do other people see you as beautiful?:yes
    Are you sexy or beautiful?:both
    When you look in the mirror what do you see:a girl with a lot of problems
    What do people in here think of you as a person?:they think im cool,beautiful
    Are you the most attractive in your family?:hells ya
    What are your personality traits?:i don't know
    What do you think of the person above you?:i like their pretty cool

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: Black w/ highlights
    Hair style: medium, layered
    Nose: .....?
    Eye colour: dark brown
    Eyes shape: almond
    Glasses: contacts
    Lips (Full, flat): pretty full
    Skin colour: dark olive?
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: slim
    Weight: 117
    Height: 5'1 1/2
    Any tattoos:no
    Any piercing:no
    Any deformations:no
    Do you consider yourself attractive: yes
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: more cute
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: uh..beautiful
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: someone who can stand up to the world
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: idk
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: I could be
    What are your personality traits?: serious yet funny, mysterious yet out-going, a two-sided thing
    What do you think of the person above you?: Idk

  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: blond
    Hair style: medium, layered, bangs
    Nose: um....
    Eye colour: green
    Eyes shape: um... i really donno?!
    Glasses: contacts
    Lips (Full, flat): full
    Skin colour: tanned
    Have any birthmarks: yup
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: athletic
    Weight: 127
    Height: 5'9
    Any tattoos: nope
    Any piercing: ears
    Any deformations: nope
    Do you consider yourself attractive: LOLL nope
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: ...possibly... how am i supposed to no?!
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: ...um.... i really donno
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: a stranger!!! AHH *runs away* loll... ok, no seriously, i see myself :P
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: i donno... ud have to ask them
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: loll nope
    What are your personality traits?: funny, interesting, out-going, i always have something to talk about, smart,..
    What do you think of the person above you?: she seems like a cool person

  • Bridgette
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: dark brown & it has a red tint for some reason
    Hair style: long..?
    Nose: very...pointy..like a witch..well not QUITE that bad
    Eye colour: Brown
    Eyes shape: umm.. a circle..
    Glasses: no
    Lips (Full, flat): they are in between
    Skin colour: very white... i need a tan
    Have any birthmarks: yeah
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc): very humanish
    Weight: 105
    Height: like 5'5 i think
    Any tattoos: no
    Any piercing: yeah like 6
    Any deformations: not that i know of...
    Do you consider yourself attractive: not really
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: haha oh god yes
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: Neither to me
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: i see me, duh
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: i dont know
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: Probably..my family is ugly
    What are your personality traits?: very sarcastic...yeah.. thats pretty much all i am
    What do you think of the person above you?: I dont know her but she seems cool

  • Ariana
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: brown
    Hair style: medium
    Nose: normal
    Eye colour: brown
    Eyes shape: an ugly one
    Glasses: reading ones
    Lips (Full, flat): in the middle
    Skin colour: light brown
    Have any birthmarks: none
    Body Shape: I think I should be dieting.
    Weight: don't know
    Height: don't know
    Any tattoos: no too scared
    Any piercing: no
    Any deformations: no
    Do you consider yourself attractive: no
    Do other people see as you beautiful?: I hope so
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: both! haha
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: notice eyes
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: I hope they like me :)
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: don't think so
    What are your personality traits?: random, sarcastic, overly-accepting.
    What do you think of the person above you?: didn't read profile (oops lol)

  • nicole
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour:Strawberry blonde I guess, It's not really red but mixed. Never dyed it.. it would take way too much effort to get back to the colour .. if they even could lol

    Hair style: long, straight. Curly sometimes but takes too much effort.

    Nose: umm.. fitting? lol

    Eye colour: hazel .. but then i have like orange and yellow in them. They turn grey when i cry .. weird.

    Eyes shape: circle?

    Glasses: nope

    Lips (Full, flat): i wouldnt say FULL but they have .. volume ? lol right word?

    Skin colour: tanned, just came back from Mexico:)

    Have any birthmarks: oh my word yes! a light one on my leg.. dark one on the other leg in the same spot .. and stupid circle on my bum, used to be so self consious of it.. not so much anymore

    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: dont really have hips.. but still have a shapee.. wouldnt say like hour glass.. definitly not .. lol im content with it

    Weight: my doctor said im healthy for my height.. so i guess its a good thing

    Height: 5'3 lol :(

    Any tattoos: in the making .. have a few idea's . dont think i'll be getting more than 3

    Any piercing:6 .. 3 on each ear and belly button ..

    Any deformations: if my laugh counts then most defintily lol ..

    Do you consider yourself attractive: wouldnt say im horrendous looking.. im sure people dont need to turn away when they see me lol

    Do other people see you as beautiful?: I've been told, so I assume:)

    Are you sexy or beautiful?: depends what mood im in :) as i think it does for everyone..

    When you look in the mirror what do you see: Nicolee:) I see me .. but most of the time i see my stupid makeup ruined lol thats so annoying

    What do people in here think of you as a person?: havent really asked to be honest..

    Are you the most attractive in your family?: i think my moms very pretty and my sisters cute too .. dont really have a chart of hotness in my family lol

    What are your personality traits?: too many to name i think, i go through moods all the time. im very umm mixed i guess.. im usualy happy.. not so much over the last little while..

    What do you think of the person above you?: I think she needs to feel better about herself.. sounds down.. I'm sure she's beautiful :) so now you can change your answer to people think you're beautiful.

    Nicoleee xoxox

  • ~~Lindsay Woods~~
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: Brown w/ blond highlights
    Hair style: long Straight
    Eye colour:Hazel
    Eyes shape: not sure
    Lips (Full, flat):flat
    Skin colour:tan
    Have any birthmarks:yeah...one on my knee
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc:Curvy and skinny
    Any tattoos:no
    Any piercing:ears
    Any deformations:no
    Do you consider yourself attractive:um.. i guess
    Do other people see you as beautiful?:yeah
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: Beautifel
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: a person who loves to have a good time
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: funny, outgoing, having a good time, happy, loves to smile.
    Are you the most attractive in your family?:yeah
    What are your personality traits?: loving, caring, sweet, nice, kind.
    What do you think of the person above you?: i don't know them

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: um.. light brown

    Hair style: down to shoulders, straight

    Nose: nose? What kinda question is that? lol

    Eye colour: light brown

    Eyes shape: uhh.. circle! :P

    Glasses: nope..

    Lips (Full, flat): full.. hehe!

    Skin colour: light..

    Have any birthmarks: don’t think so..

    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: curvy.. hehe

    Weight: :P

    Height: 5’2

    Any tattoos: nopee

    Any piercing: ears..

    Any deformations: I hope not! haha

    Do you consider yourself attractive: hehe.. not rilly..

    Do other people see you as beautiful?: hehe.. mayb.. dont think so.

    Are you sexy or beautiful?: neither! :P

    When you look in the mirror what do you see: myself.. hehe.. :)

    What do people in here think of you as a person?: not sure.. hehe.. never asked..

    Are you the most attractive in your family?: um.. mayb..

    What are your personality traits?: sympathetic, moody.. (lol), bubbly, kind, funny,

    What do you think of the person above you?: well.. she seems a lil self-obsessed.. no offense..

  • Jaime
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: blonde.
    Hair style: long and straight.
    Nose: uhh.. like a nose.. lol
    Eye colour: blue
    Eyes shape: circle
    Glasses: nope
    Lips (Full, flat): full i think
    Skin colour: white.. but my face got a little burned
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: i dunno.. my butt sticks out though lol
    Weight: ugh... 'bout 125lbs >.<
    Height: 5'6
    Any tattoos: not yet
    Any piercing: just ears
    Any deformations: no
    Do you consider yourself attractive: no
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: doubt it
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: neither
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: just me...
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: i dunno.. probably nothing.
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: nah
    What are your personality traits?: good listener sometimes, im kinda ditzy too lol
    What do you think of the person above you?: dunno her... she sounds nice though.

  • Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: brownish-reddish
    Hair style: long straight
    Nose: i dont know.. its a nose
    Eye colour: blue
    Eyes shape: like a eye
    Glasses: nope
    Lips (Full, flat): medium
    Skin colour: white!! way white!!
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: curvey
    Weight: 145 (ya i know fat)
    Height: 5'8
    Any tattoos: no
    Any piercing: my ears
    Any deformations: nope
    Do you consider yourself attractive: no
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: how the heck do i know?
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: no..
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: me..
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: i dont know.. not many of em really know me
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: no i dont think so..
    What are your personality traits?: funny, .. umm nice, i dont know..
    What do you think of the person above you?: i dont know.. they seem nice..

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: Dark blonde/brown
    Hair style: long, a little curly
    Nose: in the middle of my face, not to big, not to small.
    Eye colour: blue
    Eyes shape: A little big
    Glasses: only to read
    Lips (Full, flat): medium
    Skin colour: brown (at least in summer, it sort of fades)
    Have any birthmarks:nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc): Normal
    Weight: 110
    Height: 1.61 meters
    Any tattoos: nope
    Any piercing: nope
    Any deformations: not that I know of
    Do you consider yourself attractive: nah..
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: Don't know
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: wouldn't consider myself beautiful or sexy
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: a girl who could be better in many ways
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: That I'm quite young to be writing that kind of poetry.
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: no way
    What are your personality traits?: I don't mind making a fool of myself on purpase to make someone smile.
    What do you think of the person above you?: seems funny, but you know, I don't know the person

  • BlueEyedMystery
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: blonde
    Hair style: sholder length/ layered
    Nose: uh.. its small and in the middle of my face lol
    Eye colour: blue
    Eyes shape: they're kind of big/bold..lol idk its hard describing your eyes
    Glasses: dont wear them
    Lips (Full, flat): full
    Skin colour: kinda pale..not very tan
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: Curvy
    Weight: ha..yeah right
    Height: 5'4"
    Any tattoos: nope
    Any piercing: one in each ear
    Any deformations: uhh dont think so
    Do you consider yourself attractive: no
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: some..
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: neither
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: umm not a very pretty person
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: they think im nice and funny...and crazy! lol but some people i dont really know think i'm shy
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: no
    What are your personality traits?: I'm very funny nice crazy and can act like a kid...but can also be very serious
    What do you think of the person above you?: Don't really know them..but they seem really cool and nice!

  • Erminia
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour:black&red at the tips
    Hair style:idk
    Nose:normal i guess
    Eye colour:dark brown
    Eyes shape:idk
    Lips (Full, flat): full
    Skin colour: not white but not dark
    Have any birthmarks:nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc:idk
    Height:i'm short
    Any tattoos:nope
    Any piercing:yep 3 in my ears
    Any deformations:nope
    Do you consider yourself attractive:idk
    Do other people see you as beautiful?:yea
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: beautiful
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: a weird person lol
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: idk
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: nah
    What are your personality traits?: i'mshort like i said before
    What do you think of the person above you?:idk

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: Very light blonde.. With dark brown underneath

    Hair style: Right now its down... && Straightened.

    Nose: Normal?

    Eye colour: Green

    Eyes shape: Er.. Normal?

    Glasses:Nope =]

    Lips (Full, flat): There kinda little.. I think..

    Skin colour: Well i'm white? But I have a tiny tan.. I'm so proud of myself =]

    Have any birthmarks: Yep.. But i'm not saying where..

    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: I'm very tiny!

    Weight: 46kgs (Ooh gosh! I told you i was tiny)

    Height: 160cm Exact.

    Any tattoos: Nope..

    Any piercing: My ears.. Did have my nose done... Getting it redone.. And my tongue done =] Yay lol

    Any deformations: Err... No?

    Do you consider yourself attractive: I don't want to sound like I love myself..But.. Most people tell me I am.. Very.. But to me I don't think I am. So I don't know..

    Do other people see you as beautiful?: Same answer as above. ^^

    Are you sexy or beautiful?: Again.. Same answer as above.. ^^

    When you look in the mirror what do you see: Myself? Lol..

    What do people in here think of you as a person?: Umm.. I don't know really... I don't think many people like me in here though... Tell me if you do or not lol..

    Are you the most attractive in your family?: I don't know.. But I've been told I am.. :/

    What are your personality traits?: I'm really caring.. I'm always the first my friends run too when they need help or support. I can be funny.. When i'm in the mood to be.. Err.. I can be shy.. I can basically be everything :/ If that makes sense?

    What do you think of the person above you?: I don't know that person.. But she seems like a shy kind of person.. =]

    `natalie xx

  • melly xx
    18 years ago

    everybody can say that there gorgeous on here so...

  • Lisa
    18 years ago

    Hair colour: Blonde
    Hair shape: Really long
    Nose: Small petit
    Eye colour: Blue
    Glasses: Yes
    Lips: Full
    Skin colour: In between dark and light lol
    Do you have any birthmarks: yes, 1 on the inside of my upper lip...kinda like a freckle lol.
    Body Shape: Petit and curvy
    Weight: 112 lbs
    Height: 152 cm
    Have you any tattoos: No
    Have you any piercings: Yes my ears and i have my belly button done.
    Any deformations: Have'nt found any yet lol
    Do you consider yourself attractive: i'd like to think everyone does lol
    Do other people see you as beautiful: Yes but you cant be everyones type now can you lol.
    Are you sexy or beautiful: either one depends on what sort of day im having lol.
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: I see a person with a big heart that is'nt afraid to be whoever she wants to be.
    What do people think of you as a person: Well they see me as someone who is friendly, loving and caring and very determined to be someone in life.
    Are you the most attractive person in your family: We are all equal.
    What are your personality traits: Im caring, loving, affectionate, a good listener, always willing to help out, Funny, bubbly and career focused.
    What do you think of the person above: From what im reading I think she's a lovley person.

  • ♥kHarIsMa♥
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: brown
    Hair style: in a pony tail
    Nose: um regular?
    Eye colour: they change..
    Eyes shape: big..
    Glasses: need um..
    Lips (Full, flat): not to sure...
    Skin colour: light
    Have any birthmarks: one on my foot
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: curvy
    Weight: 136
    Height: 5'2
    Any tattoos: 2..my sons name..and his dad initials
    Any piercing: 5 ears, nose, eyebrow, monrow, top of my ear
    Any deformations: not that i kno of..
    Do you consider yourself attractive: sometimes
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: so they say.
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: everyone is beautiful
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: i see a wonderful mom, a loving daughter, a great friend.. i see me!!
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: not really sure about that
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: no..
    What are your personality traits?: loving, caring, funny, helpful, nice, a great person to talk to.. a good person in general
    What do you think of the person above you?: seems pretty nice...

  • BeeBeeGun
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: red
    Hair style: to my shoulders / wavey
    Nose: regular
    Eye colour: hazel
    Eyes shape: big
    Glasses: need but dont wear them
    Lips (Full, flat): flat
    Skin colour: white
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: curvy
    Weight: i dont know, dont have scales lol
    Height: 5'5
    Any tattoos: nope
    Any piercing: yeah ears
    Any deformations: nope
    Do you consider yourself attractive: mmm sometimes
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: some pplz do.. all my friendz do of course
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: everyones beautiful in there own way.. so i say beautiful
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: I see me. a caring, loving friend. who'd help out when in need
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: Havent really got to know anyone in here but Id probably say kind
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: well im the only girl so of course hehe!
    What are your personality traits?: funny, helpful, outgoing. caring. loving. friendly, talkitive
    What do you think of the person above you?: seems like a good person to get to know :)

  • Booogerz.♥
    18 years ago

    *Wrong place*

    18 years ago

    ^ Sorry 'bout that twas on a spilt account.

    Anyhoo, I look like the chick in my pic *nods*. :]

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: dark brown
    Hair style: long, full bodied, usually straight
    Nose: perfect
    Eye colour: Hazel
    Eyes shape: Oval
    Glasses: None
    Lips (Full, flat): Inbetween full and flat
    Skin colour: Deadly pale in winter, always tanned in summer.
    Have any birthmarks: One on my thigh
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: curvy (hourglass)
    Weight: 126lbs
    Height: 5'6"
    Any tattoos: No
    Any piercing: Two each lobe. Industrial (right ear)
    Any deformations: no
    Do you consider yourself attractive: yes
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: yes
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: that depends on a matter of opinion.
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: flawless skin
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: no idea. most likely arrogant after filling out this
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: yes. although my little bro is extremely cute
    What are your personality traits?: Passionate, cunning, rational, dominant, perfectionist, reserved, proud, initiative, generally friendly.
    What do you think of the person above you?: [=booyahbaby=] Seems like someone it'd be easy to make friends with.

  • Robie Lincer
    18 years ago

    Hair Color: Dark brown
    Hair style: Short, wavy
    Nose: Perfect lol
    Eye color: Brown
    Glasses: yea but i dont wear them
    Lips (Full, flat): between both
    Skin color: Tan
    Have any birthmarks: Nope
    Body shape: Sporty
    Weight: 57 kg
    Height: 5 feet and 5 inch
    any tatoos: yea a red dragon on my right arm
    Any piercing: NEH!
    any deformation: no
    Do you consider you self attractive: I am normal looking
    Do other people see you as beutiful: yea
    Are you sexy or beutiful?: um....
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: i see a sporty kind of person.
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: no idea, dnt really bother me thou
    Are you the most attractive in your family: No, my sister is.
    What are your personality traits?: Helping, and love friends.
    What do you think about the person above you?: seem like a nice person :)

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: Black (with blonde highlights)
    Hair style: My own
    Nose: Somewhat large
    Eye colour: Dark Brown
    Eyes shape: Normal??
    Glasses: Nope
    Lips (Full, flat): Kissable, oh.. full
    Skin colour: Brown
    Have any birthmarks: No
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean) etc: Skinny, somewhat built
    Weight: 120lbs
    Height: 5'8
    Any tattoos: No
    Any piercing: No
    Any deformations: No
    Do you consider yourself attractive: I'm cute sometimes
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: sometimes
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: sexy ;)
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: myself
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: friendly
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: no, we are all attractive
    What are your personality traits?: i have many
    What do you think of the person above you?: seems cool

  • Bug1219
    18 years ago

    i look like a girl thats what i look like

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: BLonde
    Hair style: long
    Nose: My mom says I have my dads nose *GR*
    Eye colour: BLUE
    Eyes shape: uh normal
    Glasses: None
    Lips (Full, flat): ful
    Skin colour: tan
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean) etc: average..
    Weight: idk
    Height: 5'5
    Any tattoos: No
    Any piercing: No
    Any deformations: No
    Do you consider yourself attractive: i have alot of comments saying im pretty hot
    Do other people see you as beautiful?: yes
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: beautiful
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: me .. Duh
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: idk
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: no not really
    What are your personality traits?: i have many
    What do you think of the person above you?: pretty nice.. and a great poet (to Darien)

  • Vic
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: [black]
    Hair style: down, curly
    Nose: cute.. lmao
    Eye colour: brown..
    Eyes shape: uhm... one's chinese.. and the other's filipino..
    Glasses: 1100 in strength woohoo i'm BLIND!! :)
    Lips (Full, flat): you tell me.
    Skin colour: brown.
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc: athletic
    Weight: 175
    Height: 5'6
    Any tattoos: nope
    Any piercing: none
    Any deformations: nope
    Do you consider yourself attractive: haha no, but i can wish..
    Do other people see as beautiful?: no.
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: if i were fat bastard..
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: a sexy beast.
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: dunno, none have made an effort to judge me.
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: i better be. haha
    What are your personality traits?: funny, light-hearted, emotional[ly weak], kind, caring, AWESOME!
    What do you think of the person above you?: i think you're awesome, wanna share toast in my quarters?

  • Amanda Lou
    18 years ago

    Hair Colour: Blonde
    Hair style: About to shoulders and REALLY curly
    Nose: normal..i think
    Eye colour: Green
    Eyes shape: Oval i guess
    Glasses: yeah but i dont wear them
    Lips (Full, flat): Lucious...lol..i dunno
    Skin colour: beige..im white but i work in the sun
    Have any birthmarks: nope
    Body Shape (Curvy, lean etc:) hourglass shape
    Weight: 112
    Height: 5' 5''
    Any tattoos: not yet
    Any piercing: ears
    Any deformations: not that i know of..lol..no
    Do you consider yourself attractive: Im not ugly
    Do other people see as beautiful?: so they tell me
    Are you sexy or beautiful?: i can be both
    When you look in the mirror what do you see: a girl
    What do people in here think of you as a person?: I dunno no one knows me
    Are you the most attractive in your family?: People think so but i dont
    What are your personality traits?: caring, funny, dependable
    What do you think of the person above you?: i dunno