What you need to look out for.

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Ok, well, let me just tell ya'll something about guys. Most of them atleast..

    Ok, well.. a lot of girls like the "bad" guys.. as in the bad type.. well, I'll just "inform" or "remind" all of you people who always choose the wrong type of guy.

    Out of the whole guy population from age 13-17 (normaly when people start going out for their first times) .. they're not in a relationship for a long term relationship.. and if you are in it for a long term relationship.. make sure they are too. A few guys will force themselves onto you and.. rape you or sexualy assult you.. but there's probably 1/10,000 guys who want a long term relationship..

    I just want to warn you.. don't give up on guys because you just need to be more cautious of who you choose as your partner.. I've made mistakes with girls and been single for over a year now.

    Just don't get into relationships with guys who will abuse you.. even if you do love them. And with your ex's.. if they don't respect you.. and if they insult you.. don't be their friends because all they'll do is cause trouble and more trauma.

    and all of you, take care and stay safe

  • Void
    18 years ago

    Wow, that was the nicest thing I've ever seen on here... Well one of the nicest. Thanks Mark. This will definately be greatly appreciated to all girls on here... If you don't mind I'd just like to add a little piece of information - though I don't mean this to sway everyone's opinion or make girls start looking for the bad older guys; for it's still a risk.
    Anyway, It's proven that for a relationship to be strong, the males usually have to be three years older than the female to truly understand the level of maturity a girl is at. (of course it doesn't count for all guys - because I know that if we open our eyes to everyone, and not just the hot guy in the corner - we're all capable of being in a great relationship with someone our own age.)
    I for one have never liked 'the bad guys' and I'm quite happy about that and the choices I have made so far. Being attracted to geeks is definately my blessing in disguise :P. lol.
    Anywho, I wish all the best of luck to both sexes to find love (if you infact want to) because it Is possible. Thanks again Mark :)

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Wow....State the obvious.

    Ofcourse boys will think about sex, and may persuade a girl to do it with them, because they feel something called PUBERTY.

    And girls are not that stupid, but you are implying they are.


    And I was 13-17 and I never forced myself on anyone.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    You just dissed yourself....Lol.

    But if they are. Well then my whole outlook is gone with the wind

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Well, my ex went for me and cheated on me with about 3 other guys. Then she went for my good friend.. then his friend.. now my enemy who I started a fight on.. and ever since she's been with my good friend she's become a stoner.. so :/ she's definately made mistakes

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    stupidity is not limited to gender...:/

    I think kids, in general, anyone from the age 5 to 55, is potentially stupid. I think there's a point when you start to mellow in old age...if you live that long.

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Though at 55 you may not be as smart as you were when you were.. lets say 30. Though they're your thoughts..