Cheated on..

  • Shade
    18 years ago

    Hey, just wonderin if i could get sum advice..
    I was goin out w. a guy and he always told me that he loved me and what not and i said it back cuz i actually meant it and then he promised me that he would never leave me...and...then he cheated on me w. this 19 year old chick (we're only 15) who looks like an effing way...yeah. we were still goin out and all and then he started goin out with her thursday, without me knowing and then said that we should take a "break" on tuesday...soo...he was goin out w. both of us at the same time fer a couple of days....and...yeah. he claimed at first that she was an ugly whore and he hated her and what hes goin out w. her. when he said that we should be apart fer a while and go on a "break", he said that we would go back out, but we should be apart fer a while until things straighten up....and yeah. but ne way, Yeah. idk what kind of advice ne one would give me, but yeah. I swear, im a bout ready to kill myself. ne way....yeah...if ya wanna talk ne time, i have msn... .. otherwise..jus write back. thanks


  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Um if he's going out with another girl, 4 years older tham him.. forget him. He doesn't love you, because if he did he wouldn't want to take a break and he wouldn't be with another girl during the break.

    Normaly if you take a break you take time to think, not go out with other girls.

    He's cheated on you, and he'll most likely do it again. And he's lied.. trust me, forget him. I know girls andguys like that and they never change.

  • Shelly
    18 years ago

    Ya. I've been through that.... well kinda. I had this boyfriend && we've been on a "break" for about a year now. He's dated most of my super close friends and never officially broke up with me && i never broke up with him because I believed that I still loved him. In the end.... you just need to realize that you need to move on. If a guy is going to treat you liiike that- then you dont need him. Look at it this way....
    If hes gonna do that to you then hes not "the one" && now your one step closer to finding that one that is.

    hope i helped a lil.
    if you ever need to talk- feel free to email me...


  • Stephanie
    18 years ago

    hey...ive been through something like that...and ya know what you just need to say f*@& you...hes not good enough for you!!! cause ive learned that guys will say anything to you just to get what he wants!! so dont let him get you down cause hes a worthless piece of s*@t that doesnt deserve you!!...if you ever need to talk add

  • Chris
    18 years ago

    Okay hunni, i've just been through the same thing, believe it or not. I was going out with my girlfriend, and she cheated on me with this guy ¬¬ twice. She said it would never happen again twice, and i believed her. I guess i was wrong :] I'm trying to get myself back together again now..and its a lot harder than it would've been if i just split up with her when i found out first time. yourself from being hurt as much as me..just leave him.. i know it'll hurt, but it'll get easier, you don't want to stick by him...he cheats..people do that.


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