The girl who squished my brain, I miss you!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago


    Yes. =)

    I miss you Kristen Poo-Head! Now you HAVE to care that I'm sad. You have to care a lot, a lot, a lot. You know why? Because you have your own THREAD saying I miss you. The others only got one post! lol..

    Even though, I miss you all equally. But yeah..

    Shutup, I know I'm not making any sense. lol..

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    WOOT! i love you, too. =)

    Yes, yes. Feel special and soak up all the attention because you got your own thread. but you know, i expect my own in return, after this one is locked, or dead. or something.

    lol, nah. i'm just kidding.

    and you're not supposed to tell them! *pushes you* *you fall off a cliff* *says while your screaming is heard in the background* she was lying. she doesn't know what she's talking about!

    *looks around*

    where'd she go? Kristen? KRISTEN?!

    *starts panicing*

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    rah rah rah.

    where are the people i miss?! cause i miss them. and want to talk to them. now.

  • Mark
    18 years ago


  • christina marie
    18 years ago

    I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    DE DAH!

    18 years ago

    I miss you people.
    &I love you people.