WHY...why do people say they understand and that they can help when in truth they know nothing and it makes you feel worse.
some people compare there lives to yours why, it is not the same you have not seen or been though the same as me so do not give me sympathy
people look down on us because of the pain we suffer what is the point you may just be the end of the girl that is always on her own just think before you make a nasty coment or even say i know how you feel
and the thing with cutting i know so many people that do it and then there are the people that just have a go when its the only way to let out steam
i have seen people come apart at the seams before there family and friends but they do not care about them cos they think it will blow over they are so stupid it really gets me going people that think they really understand what is going though someones mind when they pick up that blade for the very last time
do you need a rant ???