You Don't See This...

  • Atomic
    18 years ago maybe you do.


    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    I was thinking it's time for another one of my infamous threads.

    Only I think seriously, no one can see this thread. O.o

    I heart you too, Krist!

    By the way, I'm moving. =/

    I'll give you my new address once it's all settled down.

    Oh and I'm just moving around the corner. >.<

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • F@n©y Ket©hup
    18 years ago

    Hold on, woman.

    I'll send it once I move to my new house, which is this weekend.

    I'll ask my mother on directions on how to send stuff through mail and such and w00t.

    You'll get your painting in no time, missy.

    Oi, Where's Magus, I need to talk to Magus!

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Forgotten Memory
    18 years ago

    im heeeere and i havnt lost her again...yet..

  • F@n©y Ket©hup
    18 years ago

    I have to talk to you privately on MSN...but I see that I won't have time, since I am busy moving and such.

    Well, the matter deals with Elaide and Brittany...and well, we told her.


    Anyways, I must be off watching five little kids who won't leave me alone.


  • Forgotten Memory
    18 years ago

    you told her? awww....i hope she took it well...or at least as well as one can expect from such a situation..
    i hope all goes well with that

  • F@n©y Ket©hup
    18 years ago

    Well, she said she's glad I told her 'cause many other friends wouldn't have done so.

    But I know it hurted her, I mean, come on! What was she suppose to say in such a situation?

    I owuld have told her the same thing too, I just hope the fact that we're together won't change anything between her and Eli.

    I felt like a terrible friend, but I felt so much better when I told her, we don't have to act like we don't feel anything for each other now.

    And I hate my new house. It's small and I couldn't get a decent good night sleep.


  • Forgotten Memory
    18 years ago

    awwww. i kinaa figured u and Eliade were together since u werent gonna tell Brit. then u said u did.,.and i remember u were waiting untill you were ready for a relationship. and its been some time since then so i used my wonderful mental math and figured u and eliade were a couple and told britt. tell her shes still got the green ninja from canada!! ill keep her company!

    lol small house eh? i got a new bed. i acually FIT now

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    Wow, this is gonna take forever to type. I'm using a PSP to do this. Um..peace on Earth and such.
    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Atomic, I feel the pain of putting that bunny in. So many buttons to push!!! Do you got any home brewed games on that their fancy piece of equiptment?

  • Forgotten Memory
    18 years ago

    gasp!! a psp!!!! its like cheese you can listen to outside!!! ha ha ha!

  • F@n©y Ket©hup
    18 years ago

    Yes, so many buttons to push.

    I have a couple of games in my possession, but the PSP actually belong to my boyfriend.

    I'm not gonna even attempt the bunny this round.


  • Forgotten Memory
    18 years ago

    ha ha ha. well, for the sake of ur precious fingers, i hope u get internet again soon so that we can chat on msn