Don't you think

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Don't you think those who've made false allegations and made complete fools out of people who cared and paid their respects to and about them be banned?

    I am not naming names, but I think faking something you are quite not, should be abhorred rather than accepted.

    I remember one person who faked his whole identity, only to be congratulated and be given the honour (frankly I don’t think it’s an honour) of becoming one of our esteemed (which is some) moderators.

    Do you think we should let them get away with it? Or should we live in a hypocritical scenario where honesty is not the key.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    I assume you were in a playful mood when you called me Shylock, because I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult.

    Back to the topic:

    Bob, this may be a literary site, but it is a place where one can say who they truly are. I am sorry but I don't think accepting this as a predestined gives it justification to do so. A person pretended that they were dead for god's sake.

    There should be a rule about honesty and respect for those you speak with. Lying about another's death to get their poems read must count as a violation.

    And let's not forget, the rule:

    “No advertisements of any kind are allowed in the forums”

    And I think someone faked his own death, as an advertisement for his poems. Does that qualify Bob?

    Anyways! I am just stating, and seeing as no one here can make justice in this minute website, it shows on how justice goes around the world…


  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Ok Bob, I understand. But seeing as you are the moderator, don't you think you can atleast punish these culprits. I mean c'mon, you can't make a bad deed go unpunished.

    And I always don't win with you...Lol.

    Not fair.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Thanks Bob...

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Britt: Please!

    I tell the truth, and as for our little argument, think about it, we squabbled. I for one, spoke again and again, how much I loved argumentitive banter and in some aspects starting them. I never lied that I disliked it, thus many disliked me for my words alone.

    The person who proclaimed he was dead, tell me why do it?

    1) For sick enjoyment? Maybe
    2)To get his poems read? Maybe
    3)To get dedications in his honour? Maybe
    4)Just for the heck of it? Maybe
    5)To see who cares for him? Maybe

    Choose what you will, all of them point to one thing "Attention". And he got it. Sadly!

    And as for commentations on dead poet's poems. There is a feeling it's called "Guilt" and "Fear". People feel guilty and try to appease that guilt by dedicating a poem or commenting, and they got that over-wheming fear that their lives are truly short....

    There is a whole lot of things. But one thing should be constant, not to fool those you speak with. It truly shows your character as a human being.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I agree with you, Ismail, honesty is one of the most important feats of good men and women.

    However, to punish unhonest people in here is not very wise. Some may be dishonest for reasons that are not to be scorned, and we cannot possibly tell between the various reasons.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    I am not cranky with you Britt, if I was, you would set me right....

    Lol. That's what I like about you...

  • lisa marie
    18 years ago

    who cares. this is the internet.