Could you tell me who left our site?

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    Wellcome back Chris! Truly happy to see you back.

  • David
    20 years ago


  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    YaY!!! I am so happy that Chris and David are back!!! Welcome back guys!!!!!! yay!!!!!

  • SarZz
    20 years ago

    Ya...its always a pleasure to read chris' work...its simply outstanding i must say!.....:)..

  • lostnloveless15
    20 years ago

    yaaa lets have a party ill get the sign that says "welcome back"
    whos getting cake?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Oh and lets not forget Tim R, who was forced out of here

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    hayley, i don't think that is what janis was wanting to know, and 2nd of all, im pretty sure janis knows tim is gone if he is the one who froze his account.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    there were some problems awhile need to bring them back up.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I'm sorry you feel you have to leave, Karen, but to have an account deleted, just email Janis, the owner of the site and he will delete it for you. (the first post of this site is by him, so just follow the link to his profile and send him a private message)

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Karen, I am highly disappointed you had to leave, now I have to fix my faves list..thanx alot!( just kidding) I will miss your poems and friendly comments on my of luck sweetie, Ill miss you. Timothy r