What does she have that i don't

  • flirtaholic2010
    18 years ago

    He told me he wanted a break not my "best friend".....

  • nicole
    18 years ago

    I've asked myself that question. But when you think about it, it really can have nothing to do with what she has that you don't because I'm sure there's a lot that she has that you don't as well as you have a lot of what she doesn't. In my case, it's not about what she has that I don't, it's how I treated him. The worst thing he ever said to me was, " She's like you. " I don't want her to be like me and I don't want to be like her. I want him to miss me when he sees all the thing's I'm not.

  • MBG
    18 years ago

    yea my ex did that to me it was harsh and ill tell you the whole story later if you want to email me than you can my email is: meg2006@alltel.net