suggestion about comments

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    I think we should once again allow the unregistered people to post comments, everyone one here loves getting comments, if it is a rude one, we do have the power to deleted them.

    Some visitors might want to leave behind some encouraging comments but are unregistered hence we'll end up not getting one :(

    Anyway, this is just what I feel. :D

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I'm on the fence about this.

    It only takes a couple minutes to register. If people are going to do a lot of commenting, then it will be worth it to register... even if they never write poems.

    That being said, since it is so easy to register, there is nothing stopping someone from creating an account with phony info. And proceeding to make rude comments anyway.

    Maybe after Janis gets back, and things settle down, he will change it back.

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    But it always easy to track a person with a specific account than a random free person.

    I feel this rule should be valid untill the security of this site is improved.

  • Million Tears
    20 years ago

    yeah and it only takes like a few minutes to resister and its free.

  • SarZz
    20 years ago

    ya....i agree wiv yew

  • Kayla Sonya Dearing
    20 years ago

    I have friends that don't have an account on here they don't even write poems, but when I ask my friends if they will vote and comment and they will, but now they can't comment. I don't talk to alot of my friends, because they are like almost never on. But I'm on here 24/7(well almost). I won't be on when school starts on Monday that much. But I'll still be on when I get home from school and I do my homework on the computer. But I still think that we should have people who is unregisture to be able to leave comment. I mean whats next they can't vote? The people who aren't Regsture might feel like you don't trust them. I mean its not fair for them.

  • Lydia O
    20 years ago

    I have to agree with the others that say to require all users to register and log in before they can input anything onto the site. That's a very simple and sensible requirement. There is enough mischief here already without inviting more. Requiring a valid log-in also helps prevent multiple votes by the same user regardless of whether it would have been an honest mistake or intentional misuse.

  • Lydia O
    20 years ago

    I have to correct what I wrote above. I was under the mistaken impression that logging-in is necessary to submit a vote as well as to comment. Now I see that a person can apparently vote without being registered or logged in.

  • Brian King
    20 years ago

    if people really want to comment they could just join under a fake name it doesn't cost anything