The Top Listed Poem

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    I was thinking that more people should have a chance to be on that list. We could suggest our best poem for you to decide if it's good enough.

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Nah, too complicated. Could you imagine the downpour of emails flooding the site administrators/mods boxes? I don't think it's needed, really.


  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    True, I thought about that. But how do the top list work?

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Basically, when you get one of the highest number of votes for the week, your poem is displayed on the top list of the category your poem is in. Sometimes your lucky to have it displayed in the top TOP list on the site's homepage. :)


  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    ya there are too many poets on the site for everyone to suggest their best poem! that would be insane.

    for the top poems of the site i believe that it has something to do with the mods but we leave it to the elfs.


  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    one time i was told that the front page ones weren't based on votes because people mess around with the voting so much that if it went by that then people would just get their friends to vote on them. but all well i'm not going to worry about it too much.

    really i would just say keep writing and get yourself known. you might be on the top rated poems or the front page eventually but if you don't don't worry about it. there are a lot of other things in life to worry about other than a poetry site and whether your poem made the top list or not.
