Search function

  • Josh
    18 years ago

    Making the search function more like a forums would help extremely......

    Make it so you can search for a poem posted between certain dates. Also be able to narrow that down to certain types; like Love or Sadness.

    I am currently looking for a love poem that I can't remember the title or Author to but can remember it was between March 28th and April 8th. So all I can do is look on the main page but when I am scrolling through certain dates for the poem by the time I get to the next page more have been posted so I have a few repeats and some that I would have seen had I clicked before they were posted are now farther back. So by the time I actually scroll through those dates I need to I will have passed over and not seen quite a few poems and one of those could be the one I am looking for.

    Just a little feature you should consider that would help people like me look for poems.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    18 years ago

    that would be a nice feature.. but in the mean time, do you remember any lines from it?

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    That sounds like a nice feature, I'll see what I can do.

  • Josh
    18 years ago

    Unfortunately not really.....

    Maybe a line about the persons touch being a sweet caress and lips were like something and eyes and such

    I am almost positive the last line was something about loving you or I love you

    If I remember correctly the layout of text was fairly even like this

    text text text text
    text text text text
    text text text text
    text text text text
    text text text text

    Also I want to say it was 10+ lines long.

    I wish I could remember at least one line word for word from it cause that would help me along ALOT. I was just searching the net for a love poem to put into my AIM profile one day and came across the site.....I went straight to love poems from the main page and one of the first ones I clicked on looked good so I used it. I pasted over it without even thinking and it was too long ago to check my firefox history to see which poems I looked at that day unless there is another place to check besides CTRL+H.