OH my gilly goshy

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    I don't care....

    How about you try out some hobbies....


  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Shiky: It's funny how much your inane post makes me laugh.

    But tell me what is two plus two. Come on you can do it.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Point proven....

    Now go and play the fool, as always...


  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Tsk Tsk Tsk...

    You know Shiky, you can get a penalty for saying that one word. I suggest you retract it.

    Like a good little fool...

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Ha Ha...

    Firstly I cannot see your face, secondly we are typing words, so emotion can be easily ruled out.

    Just keep on making yourself as a fool.

    I will just keep laughing all the way.

    Funny: I never called you a single bad word...All this time I spoke the truth...Funny...

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Read your words slowly, because you don't make any sense...

    God can you be anymore pathetic...

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Truly sad...

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Yes really...

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Am I a bitch...

    Well then that is your opinion. And as for being in this thread, watching your words to counter my own, is quite funny.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    I do know some things, and not everything.

    If I did know everything in this world. I would be a God.

    But again thanks for making yourself even more of a fool than you already are.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Well ofcourse, stupid people are sick when they hear words that is too big for them....

    Go have some ibprofen...It will keep your vacant head cool.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Oops I forgot to make "are" instead of "is".

    I like to play with people who are obviously foolish, and seeing from your words, you are quite angry from words said in the internet. Now what does that say to you...

    It says that you are someone so pathetic and naive, that when they speak to someone they believe whatever garbage the person gives them.

    I am actually happy at the fact you do not like me, because frankly you are a loser and not even worth my time.

    But again thanks for making me laugh and playing with me. You are and will always be a loser, and you will always be nothing more than an sad person.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Why would I go away...


    This is a free internet....

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Yeah I guess I am, Seeing as I have entered and respected in a club I have been invited in, respected in P&Q because of my opinions and good friends with Just about anyone...

    Now why would I be lonely....Hmm?

    Sigh....Foolish people can be so fun sometimes.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Yes I do deserve it...

    But hey that is my life, what is yours...

    Oh I forgot pathetic...Yes?