
  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    I went to the Poetry and Quotes Chat and found it to be a sad dull experiance.

    Not only are they wasting their sad lives on meaningless 20 second topic related conversations. But I found that being extremely mean is a must to make it more fun.

    Seeing as we have groups and post discussion. What is the point of P&Q chat....Really?

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    The point of having the P&Q Chat is for other members to take a break and socialize, meet new members, and most of all just relax, not everyone can write poetry 24/7 and goto school or work or whatever their life is outside of P&Q.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Really to me it is nothing but a bother, or merely another way to make people fight with each other.

    I mean that is the whole blueprint to it. Many become bored, then start a fight hoping to quell it.

    I think it is a bother, and place to lessen a person's I.Q.

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    "Really to me it is nothing but a bother"

    ^^ That is your opinion, many may think it is awesome, some may think it sucks, some may think what the point, other may think this is relaxing.

    So stop your whinning about the chat already, and grow up, it is what it is. I am sick of hearing complaints about the chatroom, it gets you no where. The Chat is there to stay, unless noted otherwise from Janis, End of story.

    You don't like the Chat, Then stay out of it.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Italian Stallion: Seeing as you lied about your very personality and have come clean to the world, which I must say made everyone see you as a pathetic sad person.

    Don't you think truth is to be told, even when and if it leads to nowhere. I just stated my observational truth on what I think of chatting. And frankly many of the poets in here do as well. Just because you like it, does not mean it is purely for social interactions..

    Chatting can be hidden by anonymity but posting your views in a topic related post can show who you truly are.

    Again Italian stallion, I suggest you actually let people tell the truth about things like you so have….Ok.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    18 years ago

    This is not the place to argue about the chat room.

    Are you suggesting we get rid of it? Not going to happen.

    Are you suggesting no one should go there? Not going to happen

    Yes, you are entitled to think that it is a stupid, boring place...but like Joe said, if you don't like it..don't go there.

    If you really want to have a Chat room vs Forum debate... do it in a different forum.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    I am suggesting we get rid of it Ann....Since this is a feedback and Suggestion Forum.

    I merely wanted to suggest we get rid of it, seeing as it's use and the signs of anonminity and the incident that reaveled itself to us on what happens in P&Q...Is why I am suggesting we cancel out chatting in general.

    Let us not forget that not so long ago, a pedophile showed himself to us, and the apparent safety of these children is mostly your concern not mine.

    So again Ann, think of the children and aslo think of how pedophiles groom their favorite children through the internet....Not by post I remind you.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    18 years ago

    but your first two posts had nothing more to say than it was boring and a waste of time.

    I've said before that I wouldn't mind one bit if the chat were done away with. I just dont think Janis will do it.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    My post had nothing more, because I thought it would be obvious seeing as last week a paedophile just reaveled himself....

    I just wanted to state other things as to why chatting should be cut. But I am just a person who just suggests...It is up to Janis and many of the moderators to decide as well.

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    I dont see anything wrong with the chat room. Yes people do fight in there a lot but that happends in all chat rooms. I have noticed more Mods in there now so that is a plus. But I know people have said/typed this many times but if you don't like the chat rooms then do not go into it. Simple as that. I have made some good friends in that room and not everyone talks about death and suicide..I know I dont, most of the time I sing/type the Little Mermaid songs and cheer people up lol. Again if you don't like it then don't go into the room don't destroy other peoples fun because you don't like it. Thank you =)

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Ken: You always the fool...In every post you portray yourself as the unintelligent nitwit. But I guess that is just you.

    What you are implying now is that “complaining” to the world about basic “injustices” has no effect, That if a boy or girl complain about being raped by a paedophile it will actually make no effect whatsoever to bringing the paedophile to justice.

    I suggest you actually read what you say Ken, you are 22 years of age. Act like it.

    I will continue to say that “chatting in general is boring lame and hazardous to those under the age of 18”. If you think I am wrong, please feel free to speak or at least type it in a manner that explains why I am so. Rather than arguing and presenting yourself as a fool.

    I will send an email to Janis and/or Dainz, but I highly doubt they will answer seeing as they always seem to take a vacation many a time.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    18 years ago

    ok, enough