I admire romantic poets...

    20 years ago

    Most of the poetry I write is sad and heart breaking! When I was in love...I still wasn't inspired to write about it as much! But having my heart ripped out and handed to me has poetry spewing out of my pen! But now I am over the heart break and I can't seem to write...I do but it is so much harder!! I've been working on 3 different poems for the past week and I still haven't finished them! Any one else had or is having this problem???

  • ChildofGod87
    20 years ago

    Actually, I do...and it sucks...and some of my quotes I think I should have a 4 or 5 but some ppl put them...as a 1 or 2...I've been writing poems but they're not gettin to long...lol...Even though I'm probably mumbling, but ehh who cares...lol..

    **LUV angel-711**

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    I definitely know what you're talking about. I've only written a few love poems, even though I am really really happy with my girlfriend right now. But working at it pays off, because my favorite poem that i've written "The City of Lights was Dark" is a love poem, and I'm glad I got to write it. So keep at it, and I'm sure you'll find inspiration somewhere, sometimes in the most unusual places (I found mind in a David Sedaris book).

    20 years ago

    I appreciate your responses....I'm not too worried about the votes that I would get on them! I would just like to find the words I need to finish them! They aren't flowing right and seem to jump from topic to topic! I mean that's worked in some of my poems but not these!! Any way thanx....