only attracted to jerks??

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    sparkenbroke, the fact that guys turn out to be perfect jerk are not your issue, its theirs, no need to blame/limit yourself for their immaturaty. Talking out of the hole in my head... I would say get to know the person well before you date them, that might limit the chance of them turn out to be jerks ;) and no, I don't think you should limit yourself to only dating ppl from collage... love has no limits/boundries... Im sure you'll find the perfect guy one day :) don't worry.

  • Lydia O
    20 years ago

    I'm sorry that you are enduring the pain of mistrust and betrayal.

    You said, "so maybe, i should just hang out with my kind: college people."

    Relationships usually have a better chance of success when people have more in common. But I would remind you that virtually all the people responsible for the lies, deception and theft in white collar crimes and corporate frauds are college people. I say this just to illustrate that every class and every category of people has its share of rogues.

    With the guys you are attracted to, maybe you have given away your heart and your trust too soon. Or maybe you haven't recognized some early telltale signs of character defects. When things go wrong for me, I find it helpful to look back and analyze whether there was anything at all I could have done differently that may have produced a better result. And then it becomes a lesson for the future.
    I hope all the best is ahead for you. ---Lydia