15th of August....

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    I know its only 5 days away, but its so annoy not being able to edit and delete poems... not making a complain... just feeling has to come out :D

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    Yeah it's annoying me too.. I just accidently posted a quote in the spot where you post poems. Err. It's annoying. lol. But it is only 3 days away.. thank God..


  • lostnloveless15
    20 years ago

    dido i post this quote for my birthday but it was on sunday and i cant delete it!!!!!!!!!!!!how gay!!!!

  • Kayla Sonya Dearing
    20 years ago

    I can't either. What bought this on?

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    yayyyyy... only one more day till the 15th.... come on.... why did I have to make spelling mistakes....

  • Brandon Evans
    20 years ago

    something tells me it may be a little longer...

  • beaver
    20 years ago

    HELP PLEASE, When Will we be able to edit. X

  • Liz Suffecool
    20 years ago

    I DONT KNOW this is pissing me off we were suppose to be able to edit today what the he** its the 15th??

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    .....nooooooooooooo.... I still can't edit and delete...

  • lostnloveless15
    20 years ago

    da*n it i cant either this is bullsh**

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I'm sure Janis was expecting to be back from wherever he was going and able to get this fuction back up and running today... evidently something has detained him. It's not something that is automated.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    it's hard to imagine why the delay... but we all know that computers are not the most reliable things.... I wouldn't worry too much just yet... it'sonly a day over due. I'm frustrated with the whole situation, too... but doesn't do any good to worry about it...

  • lostnloveless15
    20 years ago

    i wanna delete my quotes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Brandon Evans
    20 years ago

    Just think... It could be worse.

    Someone could be editing and deleting all of your work.

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    *waiting as well* =]

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    Please don't try and get attention by leaving a comment like this. It's very immature and this site doesn't need -any more- immaturity..


  • Michelle
    20 years ago

    I agree Grace...people like that really need to grow up.

  • Bryce Ellner
    20 years ago

    It's only a day after the 15th. I'm sure everybody has been late for something as well. B'sides, you can't be too careful with the internet anymore~

  • Liz Suffecool
    20 years ago

    Ok first off I really like this site but its starting to really piss me off I have some stuff I would really like to delete and its already my birthday the 17th soooo I really would like to go to stuff with out being pissed off about that I wrote my poems so I should be able to delete them it was bad enough waiting till the 15th Holy He** let me delete and edit

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ :D:D:D I think Janis is just away for the while, once he gets back everything will be back to normal... GoldenKnight, can you get in contect with Janis???

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    I agree with you Zyphrex. =]

    Waiting .. patiently ..


  • Allen
    20 years ago

    lol, Im with who ever that's here... waiting... what else can we do?? :D Janis~~~~ I call to thy~~~ Janis~~~~ come back please~~~~

  • lostnloveless15
    20 years ago

    any1 wanna talk to me while im waotting for the thing tyo b fixed in love to talk(guys only,sorry girls)

  • Kayla Sonya Dearing
    20 years ago

    DANG IT. I need to fix a title on my poem and I can't. I spelt Shame wrong and I can't take care of it. I know Janis wouldn't do anything like this to us unless something important has come up. I just hope nothing bad happen. I don't think he would have forget about the site.

  • Liz Suffecool
    20 years ago


  • Allen
    20 years ago

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Janis, Janis, Janis, Janis :D you are back at last :D:D:D:D:D

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    WELCOME BACK Janis!!!!

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    Welcome back Janis! We all missed you! Glad everything is going good now..


  • Just Val
    20 years ago

    Welcome back Janis!!

  • Michelle
    20 years ago

    welcome back janis!!! :) Michelle & Craig

  • Kayla Sonya Dearing
    20 years ago