Anyone writing sonnets?

  • Atahan Tolunay
    18 years ago

    If you are writing sonnets please state so here. I would like to read sonnets of others because I'm currently trying to improve my writing in this area. I'll be glad to comment on your work ofcourse. Thx.

    ps It doesnt have to be sonnets, just a particular type of known and named poetic patterns, like triolets etc...

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    I have attempted to write a few in the past, have not tried anything lately.

  • Lady Vengeance
    18 years ago

    Hey, i having got a sonnet for you to read, but i was wondering if mayeb you could tell em what a sonent is? I keep hearing them come up in conversations and it might be beneficial to know. so yeah... if you could taht would be really nice...
    -Suzie J

  • Atahan Tolunay
    18 years ago

    "Don't forget the iamb pentameter if you want to write a genuine and authentic sonnet, which the above poet doesn't seem to include."

    I know, and this is my biggest problem. :-)

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I love writing sonnets