I'm not quite SURE what's WRONG w/ me right now..PLZ HELP

  • kkmac4
    18 years ago

    hmm rough situation. Well maybe you should go back on your meds, if they were helping you out maybe it will help ease your moods. Counseling might be a good idea because it seems like your keeping everything bottled up inside and that is so not good. But if you dont' like counseling hopefully you can find a friend that will listen to you, and maybe explain to your friends about how you dont' hang out with them, your parents situation and stuff. I don't know if this helped you any but its just my take on the matter,, i hope you get better, because being sad and mad all the time just isn't fun i know. but good luck hun you'll make it thru.

  • Void
    18 years ago

    Well, please don't take this personally as it's nothing to take personal anyway, I'm just stating what it sounds like to me - as alot of people I know have this. But there's two possibilities, either you have something called bipolar, which is when you can get high and lows at any given moment, suddenly be sad or suddenly be mad. It is considered a 'condition' and there is meds for it, so don't worry...
    But in all honesty, it could just be your minds way of releasing everything you've kept inside as you said. I know when I get upset enough, that's exactly what I do is laugh at everything, and become extremely random. Though I can usually gain control of it, it's just my way of not actually showing people what i want to do by totally fooling them with fun. (psst, it works all the time, while the energy you let off to do all this is also a good release for anger anyway lol).
    So summed up, either you've got bipolar, or you need a long vacation. Try not to put yourself under too much pressure, or think about these things too much. Focus on the things you should/could be happy about. When you get pissed off, then get pissed off don't hold it in...
    I guess I can't really be one to talk, but you had no responses so I wanted to let you know my thoughts. Best of luck to you though, take care! -Stefhy

  • Void
    18 years ago

    lol wow kkmac4 and I both replied... apperantly you do have a response above me hehe, it's a good thing :P

  • kim
    18 years ago

    hi err ive bin in the same place i guess nd trust me it will get betta

    if u wanna chat then send us an email or tlk on msn



  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    "sooo basically can ne one explain my problem. i was already diagnosed w/ depression last year."

    Yeah. I'm guessing it's depression. Duh.

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    It took a doctor to decide if a thirteen year old girl was depressed?

    We live in a very stupid little world.

    Look...do you even KNOW what happens when people swallow a bottle's worth of pills?

    Let's see now:

    Heart attack
    Blood clotting

    So you wouldn't die a very peaceful death, would you?

    And what if your suicide attempt fails? Then you'll REALLY be under supervision - only in a hospital room because you'll be a vegetable.

    That's what kills me...people say "I just want to die in peace", but it's kind of hard to "die in peace" when your heart's ripping a hole through your chest.


  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    I second what Ari said.