~!~ MiSsIn HiM ~!~

  • ♥**KaylaElisabeth**
    18 years ago

    I'm the girl.that lost a good friend..to his gilfriend..I mean it was all doin good untill him and I ..Started to grow feelings for eachother..I hate myself b/c i blame myself I'm the reason we're not talking ne more...IF i didn't tell him how i felt..this would of never happend..me and his g/f are gettin along now though..she said she was srry 4 the whole thing..but me and him haven't talked since this whole thing happend..i miss him ALOT!!!..I never ever felt like this toward ne other guy!!...DON'T KNOW WACAH GOT TILL IT'S GONE..i get that saying now!!! :(

  • Han84
    18 years ago

    yep that saying is very true.. and sometimes when ppl say its beta to have someone for longe as a friend than nothing at all!!... tht why im ignoring the passes n hints my lad mae is givin me coz i love him to pieces but i want him for longer than ashort period of time!

    but give him time.. maybe he is bit confused himself!

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    It was better you told him the truth than to keep it bottled up. You might have ended up regretting it and wondereing that dreadful 'what if'. If you guys were friends, I'm sure he would like to keep the friendship. Don't blame yourself for doing something like that. It's not the end. I'm sure he'll come around and you guys will start talking.