what do you think hes really thinking

  • BloodScars
    18 years ago

    okay this was wayyyy wayyy to long for anyone to read so im gunna make it short
    my boyfriend is a stoner
    hes been dating me for five months
    he was really good to me the first four
    and the last month hes been really mean
    and weve argued alot
    well yesterday i broke up with him
    and he comes to me and tells me how much he loves me and blah blah blah
    and he sounded serious
    but how do you know if hes telling the truth
    or if he just wants me to have sex
    im still so confused
    and we have gotten back together
    but yeah i want to know what to think
    if you want the whole story email me or something
    thank you for all your advice

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    what were the fights about?

  • BloodScars
    18 years ago

    most of the fights were about how he treated me cause he would randomly blow me off for his friends...which is fine to an extent but was really annoying after a while and if i said something that was somewhat offenceive he would be like f you and not talk to me untill i started crying and he would call me annoying so yeah

  • melly xx
    18 years ago

    those are synmptons of emotional abuse
    a guy will fight with you, or hurt you physically and emotionally, then break up with you
    later he will confess his undying love for you and claim he’s the one and he love’s you so much. Then back to the fighting. Its totally not worth it. Later on in your life, if you do stay with him, you’ll regret it so much that instead of meeting a really cool guy, you stayed with this loser for 5 months. Think about it…
    hopefully I was helpful
    good luck and get him to rehab!!