Song titles

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Woooooooo. Yay. -Dances around in circles- =D

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    OMG OMG OMG *cant breath* is it over is it is it???????????????????? *jumps off the walls* Briannaa someone please tell me that my torture is now over lol.

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    HAHAHA! lmao! you're too funny!!

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    wow..its about ppl r so funni

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    Lol, IS IT DONE YET!!! lol again

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    dodododododoodododododo bored...ne1 wanna sing w/ me? im sry im bored n this was the closest forum thingy! anyway i cant wait 2 c wat happened!!! :D *does a little dance*
    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    ahhhh.. going crazzy heree! :P *starts singing with you who cares* lol.. c'mon, judggeee!

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    do you think someone should send her a private message?

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    rrrrr! im gonna go send her a message.. tehhee..

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    Is it done?

  • Jessica
    18 years ago


  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    lol.. maybe we should just give up on this one.. :P

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    tell u wat even tho i still have my own contest 2 judge that i ended yesterday if she duznt judge it wen im dun judgin mine (prob by 2morro) then ill judge it ok?! n ill take out my poem. ok?
    ALRIGHT, gr i h8 it wen ppl 4get about contests. no offence if u read this.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    well i judged n stuff my contest, i dun mind.:D im addicted 2 judging, its kinda sad.

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    hehe, thank youuu! isnt this like the second time you've done this? :P

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    yes:D anyway im sick rite now n goin 2 the dr but wen i get home ill start judging. seriously, i mite as well bcome the person hoo takes over contests that are abandoned:D.

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago


  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    OK! I HAVE THE RESULTS!!! i changed the prizes a little 1,2,and3 still get the same up the top says, but i have a couple honorable mentions that will get 1 r/r/c:D
    1st Place goes to the one, the only, A Yellow Rose! your poem was amazing congrats!
    2nd place goes to the AMAZING Sean Dohr! Your poem was great too. lol even though im outta poems of ur to read almost:-p
    3rd place goes to the oh so beautiful its Tale3e, well thats part of ur name at least, lol. ur poem was gr8 as well.

    Just Rain

    YAY! lol sux that she bailed on the contest, but that's ok i dun mind not getting anything, I'll live. anyway, congrats, let me kno wat u guys want me to r/r/c and stuff, and i'll like get on it. if u gys dun tell me by 2morro ill just do w/e is on top:D. congrats 2 every1 u all were gr8 that was really hard! now, all of u go join my contest i am about to make:D lol

    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    brianna, wat poem u want me 2 r/c?

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    ok brianna dun, ne1 else wanna give me their titles, i got 10 min, if u take longer ull have 2 wait till after skool 2morro.

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Woo. Thank youu. I got third *does a little dance* Congrats to the other winners =D

    If I have to choose which poems.. My latest will be fine.. =]

  • ~~Lindsay Woods~~
    18 years ago

    hey guys yeah i am sorry.. i was in the middle of moving from alaska to oklahoma.. and it was a week to drive!.. and we didn't get internet for a while.. sooo sorry.. but it looks as if.. some one already judged.. so sorry for all the others who did not get a place in the contest!... i am going to review the poems that got placements.. and see if i want to make any changes.. again i am sorry..

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago


  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    im sry i took over i thot u abandoned it. feel free to change nethin n stuff, ill still r/r/c u ppl tho, but u can do w/e sry again.