
  • ღMőŁŀŷ ĹůvÅ¡ Ũღ
    18 years ago

    so you can have a quote of ANYTHING you like! "depression, love, lost love, family, friends, ANYTHING!


    1. make sure its you own work (duh)
    2. be creative i dont want the same things over and over.
    3. only 1 post per person!
    4. HAVE FUN!


    1st- 6 comments on poems, 6 votes and an add to favorites.
    2nd- 5 comments and votes
    3rd- 4 comments and votes
    4th- 3 comments and votes
    5th- 2 comments and votes
    (everyone who enters will recive a vote on one of there poems or quotes)

    i will only take 18 so start posting!

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    Looking in a mirror,
    far beyond, beyond.
    Is it me or my reflection?
    Which side am i on?

  • ღMőŁŀŷ ĹůvÅ¡ Ũღ
    18 years ago

    ooo! cute quotes guys! i love them! so keep em comin people! so far so good.!!

  • David Marshall
    18 years ago

    The key to happiness is out of my reach, and drifts furthur away for every waking moment

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    Maybe one day you will see that I am a blue rose, unique and beautiful. Maybe then I will see myself that way.

    18 years ago

    Expectations are like a glass of wine-

    If filled upto the brim - it harms you but you are happy.

    If limited to one peg - you are in your senses.

    If silent and empty - you are gained but you are not satisfied.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Love is a feeling you feel, when you feel, like you have never felt this feeling before.

  • ღMőŁŀŷ ĹůvÅ¡ Ũღ
    18 years ago

    hey guys these are awesome! there going to hard to chose! keep up the hard work and keep em coming! thanks for posting those of you that have already!

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    I give you my soul on a plate..
    And you take one look at it and send it back..

    hehe.. hope you like it :)
    jessy xox

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    A friend you barely know won't share food
    A friend you kinda know will ask you for lunch money
    A friend you're close with will try some of your lunch
    A true friend will take what you have, no questions asked, without cleaning the utensil
    And a lasting friend will offer you -their- food when you're in a pickle.

    Have fun with that one! (lol very random.. wonder why??)

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    In order to find the objective, you must first find the subjective.

  • Tisha
    18 years ago


  • Tisha
    18 years ago

    That was a quote that I thought I came up with, you know if it's gonna be such a big deal then just take mine out of the contest,But honestly I did come up with that,I didn't know that it was already someone elses. Sorry........

  • ღMőŁŀŷ ĹůvÅ¡ Ũღ
    18 years ago

    ok im sorry, but if the link says its an old one then i must dq u. but you can just post a new quote that isnt stolen. and i believe you that you wrote it. its jsut that it DOES excist i cant take that one. so send in a new one! there is still more room!
    thanks everyone.

  • Tisha
    18 years ago

    ~Heartbreak comes and heartbreak goes ...But tell me why the memories that are left make me feel so low?...~

  • Axle Rose
    18 years ago

    She thought they'd last forever,
    but it wasen't what it seemed.
    as soon as he found out,
    he went as far as he could run,
    she thought she found a [h u s b a n d],
    but instead she found a [s o n]

    [ A x l e R o s e ]

  • Megann Lee
    18 years ago

    I don't make promise, I can't keep. I keep the promises I've made, by not adding to the ever growing list of failures in my life.

  • swill
    18 years ago

    How can you ever savor a rainbow
    Without suffering the icy rain?
    Based on my belief that to feel rtue happiness, you must experience sadness before...you wont know the true joy of being on the top of a mountain unless youve been in the valley...

  • ღMőŁŀŷ ĹůvÅ¡ Ũღ
    18 years ago

    ok sry guys i was gone for a week on v-ca in south dakota! lol sry if anyone lives there but its kinda of boring! lol but anyway! the quotes are great! keep writing

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    The only true way to travel through life is to let life itself grab hold and take you away.

  • J Lau
    18 years ago

    Life is a matter of perspective, there is no right or wrong because everything in life is relative. That is what make us all unique.

  • I Where the Wings of A Fallen Angel..
    18 years ago

    I watch as my bloody hands drop
    the knife that took away your life..

  • Agony Divine
    18 years ago

    "Many seek the truth...not because it is lost...but because they are."

    ~Agony Divine~

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Sorry guys, I really did think of that. I didn't know it was prewritten. Here's another one that I thought of. Hopefully this one isn't "stolen".

    Fate is the deterrent. Not the excuse.

  • Adriana
    18 years ago

    i believe you when you said it wasn't stolen...but hey molly weren't you the person that entered a plaguerized quote in the other contest? oh yeah you were so give TISHA,DANIEL,AND ALL THOSE OTHER PEOPLES A BREAK!!!!

  • Summer
    18 years ago

    I had to escape
    But your refused to let me go
    A prisoner of love
    At my all time low

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    Come on, the poll's over isn't it? We're all getting fidgety waiting for the results, I just know it! :D

  • gemowski
    18 years ago

    A friend changes,
    And love changes,
    an the best of friends become strangers,

    dunno if this is any good hope it is lol

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    Hey, Molly?!?!! Did you forget about us?

  • Ashlynn
    18 years ago

    Friends are like sex
    They only last a short time.

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    Hahahaa, good one!

  • ღMőŁŀŷ ĹůvÅ¡ Ũღ
    18 years ago

    ok sry it took me ahile guys but here are the winners.

    1)Jenna Balkin
    2) Axle Rose
    3)Agony Divine
    4)wings of an angel

    congradulations to everyone and thank you for competing! ill try to get your comments and votes done quickly.