*Poems about Nature*

  • Jessica
    18 years ago


    heyy, so this contest is for you to show off some nature poems! :)


    1. Must be your own work (lol, I had to write it)

    2. No longer than 30 lines

    3. No more than 2 poems per person

    4. Number each poem

    (so that I know how many have been written)

    5. Must be about Nature


    1st Place :: 10 Poems r/r/c'ed

    2nd Place :: 8 Poems r/r/c'ed

    3rd Place :: 6 Poems r/r/c'ed

    Everyone else :: 2 poems r/r/c'ed

    This contest will be open until there are 20 poems only, so hurry up and get writing! :)

  • Void
    18 years ago

    Well, I'm not very good at nature poems and I haven't attempted one in quite some time. But this seems to be a lonely post so far *sniff*. So I thought I'd come around anyway. One's about a tree, and one's about a rose (I'm sure you'll figure that out hehe)

    #1 Growth:
    Unbroken silence screams to loud
    In the empty field where it stands proud

    A single tree sprout from the ground
    As fairies stare, they are spellbound

    The leaves are enchanted with shimmer and glow
    Twig upon branch, it grows and grows

    The grass plains around it are nearly dead
    But in the rise of the moon, shall come a new bed

    One day before, this was the valley of grief
    Hidden in the shadows were abondoned dreams

    Now hope stands tall, strong as the tree
    This hope brings faith to set us free
    (This one's sort of metaphorical for the shy quality of a person...Does it still count? - If not, no worries :) )

    #2 Single Red Rose

    Among a garden of beautiful blue,
    Secretly hides a red rose's bloom.
    Its petals lay folded from outside to in,
    Making, invisible, the tears of its skin.
    Too scared to bloom, too frightened to shine,
    Didn't feel strong enough to stand like a shrine.
    Light green leaves reach from a dark neck
    Different from the others, ashamed of what it lacks.
    Unknowing of its beauty, Undefined is its worth,
    The flower slowly opens as nature stars its birth.
    Revealing colour and the glow of morning's dew
    Shone a beautiful red rose among a garden of blue.

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    # 5 Alright I did not read the 30 lines or less so I had a problem shortaning it up. It is exacly 30 lines :D

    ~A tail of a leaf from spring to fall~

    It is hard being a leaf
    I am always changing,
    In spring I am green
    Nice and strong.
    I laze around
    Swaying in the
    Spring breeze
    Not a care in the world
    Just hanging around
    Watching the kites fly by.

    Summer is lovely although it can be hot
    Children running under us for some shade,
    While licking their ice cream pops.
    Birds learn how to fly,
    Squirrels come out
    From the hollow holes
    Summer is lovely
    No one is ever bored.

    Fall makes us pretty
    We turn yellow and brown
    We are always afraid of this season
    Because it makes us fall to the ground.
    The cold wind rips me from my home
    I fall down to the earth
    I am joined by all of my friends
    While we get piled up by kids
    And thrown into the air.

    I will wither but come back soon
    The cycle will go on and my tail
    Will start again.

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    haha! :) those are really good guys! thnxx for making my post "unlonely" hehe.. but could you guys please number them? thnxx alot!

    anyone else?

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    Oh I only had one...should I post another one? That is why I did not put a number on it, but I will if needed.

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    hehe.. yes please! cuz lik, ur poem is number five rite? and if everyone would number their poems, it will be easier to see how many poems there are rather than counting them all.. :P
    jessy xox

  • Lu
    18 years ago

    # 6

    *!*! Past, Present and now Future *!*!

    What was earth like before bulldozers were around

    why was it not preserved the way it was found

    Now trees and plants brutally pulled from the ground

    their noise of destruction , the deadliest sound

    Horses and buggies once trudged through the snow

    now a thing of the past but not so long ago

    Back to the old days I wish we could go

    time was a treasure for life moved so slow

    Vegetable gardens once sown by hand

    now replaced by nothing but unnourished sand

    Trees growing freely , covering the land

    once a place of beauty , where buildings now stand

    The Grizzly bear once standing powerful and strong

    now driven away from the place they belong

    The Humpback whale leaping in the water to play

    Hunted to near extinction only 2.500 exist today

    The Jaguar the most beautiful cat

    now easily hunted after the loss of it's habitat

    The fierce Leopard always ready for an attack

    hunted now for the beauty of the fur on their back

    There was once many beautiful creatures that lived off the land

    their species are now few , blamed solely on man

    Beautiful streams and rivers that were clean and clear

    now polluted and dirty , one of the worst things I fear

    Smog fills the air that keeps us alive

    destroying each day , what we need to survive

    God created this beauty and we're tearing it down

    unbelievable what I'm saying , just take a good look around

    No longer live for the present , for it's the future we can't ignore

    for this is only the beginning , the worst is in store

  • Lu
    18 years ago

    Oops double post ....sorry

  • Lu
    18 years ago


    *!*!* Whispering Wind Carry Me Away*!*!*

    The whispering wind
    carries my thoughts away
    to memories of many years ago
    when I would run , laugh and play

    Through fields of green grass
    chasing butterflies in the sun
    barefoot and carefree
    oh , how I loved to run

    Lay upon a bed of silky sand
    warm water tickling my toes
    a gentle breeze rides the waves
    river's fresh fragrant rose

    Twirl in delight within raindrops
    skip and jump with glee
    see reflections upon puddles
    a happy child smiling back at me

    Gaze at twinkling magic in the sky
    make a wish upon a falling star
    ask Grandma a silly question
    is heaven really all that far

    Wake with the rising sun
    start a new wonderful day
    the days of youth now numbered
    that I can run , laugh and play

    When I'm feeling cranky and blue
    my childhood thoughts will carry me away
    to the peace and beauty of my youth
    a wonderful ending , to a grown-up day

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    Ohhhhh I see I thought you ment like number the two poems you write Like Poem ond and Poem two. Alright that makes sence. I put number 5 on mine. Good thinking, keep things more organized.

  • Ye Seul
    18 years ago

    Write more poems!!

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    hehe.. thank youu!

    any more?

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    8. The four elements

    The fire works as a warming place,
    It lights up your soul and face.
    Yet it Burns down houses and malls,
    No more roof, no more walls.

    The water is cold on a hot summer day,
    What do you want? Water you say.
    Yet it kills millions, with its great force of strength,
    think how many people could have lived their life in length.

    The air is one thing we can't live without,
    It always hears you when you want to shout.
    Yet it's great winds and awful storms,
    Makes houses look horrible in all sort of forms.

    The earth is the one thing our feet stand on,
    It is always there, it will never be gone.
    Yet its darkness and its horror, and terrifying rocks,
    Its strength and power will knock off your socks.

    So they all have their ups and downs,
    But think fast, think quick,
    if you could only have one,
    who would you pick?

  • PS
    18 years ago

    9. Moon
    By: Poonam

    The moon travels across the sky
    in the middle of the night way up high
    shining on leaves that the trees keep
    watching as the world is asleep

    grey clouds that no one may see
    hide the glittering stars dear to me
    theartening the moon as they creep
    watching as the world is asleep

    the water sprinkles down like tears
    making pure the atmospheres
    no one may see the sky weep
    watching as the world is asleep

    the moon travels across the sky
    watching as the world is asleep

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    10. ~A mountain is my hero~

    A mountain is my hero
    You want to know why?
    Does it ever bow
    When the wind cries?
    Does it ever crumble
    When the earth shakes?
    Does it ever weep
    When the sky breaks?
    A mountain is strong
    It will face any danger.
    And now you know why
    A mountain is my hero

    (I hope that I can post my second poem away from my first one :D)

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago


    The creek
    by Silhouette, of something unimaginable

    I'm sitting by the creek
    the creek is a way they speak

    they speak of nothing much
    nothing much is worth while

    while the trickling water flows
    flows over the little pebbles

    pebbles without an error
    an error is like nothing

    nothing is like everything
    everything is wild

    wild that speaks
    speaks around the creek

    the creek that I'm sitting by
    I'm sitting by a resting animal

    a resting animal has to breath
    breath for life

    life is the creek
    the creek that I'm sitting by

  • PS
    18 years ago

    12 THunderstorm
    By: Poonam

    In the dark of the night
    the rain blurs all sight
    in the dark of the night
    teens smile in delight
    the lightning lights the sky
    the rain blurs all sight
    making the senses lie
    fearful the moon calls
    the lightning lights the sky
    all conversation stalls
    to see the clouds war
    fearful the moon calls
    shaken to its very core
    where ever are you now
    to see the clouds war
    do you in fear bow
    in the dark of the night
    where ever are you now
    in the dark of the night

  • Jessica
    18 years ago


  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    Wait it says closed so is going to be judged soon?

  • LadyPearl
    18 years ago

    Garden of Eden

    A garden so brilliant against other pallid flowers
    Comes in view at this untimed hour
    The Ideal performance of sparkling hues
    Painted in white, yellow and blues

    First comes the Dahlia, trembling from birth
    Slowly rising from the comely Earth
    Petals of white glisten in the fragrant light
    Delicate to one's eye's delight

    Next comes the rose, passionate and deep
    The sun awaken the rose from sleep
    Sometimes red, or pink and white
    Each a tender, innocent sight

    Ah, a tulip, filled with gentle grace
    Leaving a smile upon one's face
    Soft petals and leaves of rapture
    Captures the true beauty of nature

    Can't forget the lilacs, proud to rise above all
    So strong the wind can't make it fall
    It lingers on in various purple shades
    And in that, a new sensation is made

    Garden of Eden, so full of that pride
    With rows and rows of blossoms on sides
    The air around caresses my heart and soul
    This is the Garden I'll always know


    Echos of Earth

    Descend mighty angels
    Let us hear stories of grace
    Of how trees were born
    Then gently wrapped in lace
    And how rivers flowed
    embracing rock and stones
    Cutting mountain ways
    In echos did they moan

    How did colors burst in bloom
    Scattering into the air
    Painting every petal soft
    Drenching it in care
    How did the animals tremble
    When thunder was first heard
    Or the striking of lightning
    When the dark of night burned

    How is that a world like this
    Filled with such elegant wings
    Have such terror within it all
    While a soft whimper sings
    Is this nature's clemency
    To embrace us in it's arms
    Yet still have certain times
    When it can't shield us from harm

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    sorry, forgot about this! lol.. will judge as soon as i have time :)

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    okayy, all done judging! :)

    1st Place: Luanne with *!*! Past, Present and now Future *!*! [ great job! showed what will happen to our earth if we do not look after it! ]

    2nd Place: ...Me... with Single Red Rose [ very, very sweet! i adored it! ]

    3rd Place: Wings of an Angel with The four elements [ lots of thought put into this poem, good job! ]


    Great job everybody! will get to commenting asap! :)

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    Luanne- your all done!

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    ..Me.. - yay! finished your poems! :)

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    YAY! all done! :D