
  • Void
    18 years ago

    Alright, well so far, I have gotten this topic down and understand when someone is secretly (or not so secretly) depressed. Being clinically depressed and needing to take pills for it isn't always the case though, and although 99% of the time I'm right when I think someone does need a little bit of help; I still can't wonder about my b/f. I don't know for sure, but I think he might just be under that category of 'clinical depression' - but at the same time, it's completley possible that he isn't.

    So I've come to ask you guys what you think...
    Every once in a while, he gets so depressed, and whether on msn or on the phone he just doesn't talk. He's not his usual self. He just sort of sits there in self pity and expects me to figure out what's wrong. When I ask if anything's wrong, he says 'nuffin' (but come on, who could miss this, he's making it so obvious that something's wrong, he's just not telling me) so when I ask why he's quiet or ask him to tell me what happened that day he barely says anything at all.Just things like 'it was ok.'... 'same old same old'... and whatever the hell else he's pulled out of his hat.

    But I'll talk to his friends, and apperantly he never gets depressed and is constantly acting (or being) happy around them. So, I asked him about that, and he said, because around them I have to be ok - otherwise they'll just think I'm a pansy. (And I'm so tempted to just scream at him and be like 'You Are A Pansy!' - but I will not....Ever...)Well anyway, I'm probably explaining too much about this and not enough about other things, so I'll move on to the things that make me think that it's not depression, just...emptiness.

    Well, he lives halfway around the world (we met through internet just incase someone doesn't know or remember from other posts) and even I, every once in a while, get seriously down from lack of...him. lol. as retarded as that may sound. It's really hard not being able to be with him. I mean, I can watch him on cam, and hear his voice on the phone - but no matter how far I reach I'll never actually get to hug or kiss him goodnight. Yanno? And I think it's that feeling that makes him depressed or quiet. He's admitted to it once before that it really hurts him to not be with him. But I mean...He does this alot... Like he's got no emotional strength whatsoever.
    So...depression? Or just emotionally weak?

  • Megann Lee
    18 years ago

    Well..I'm depressed aswell and I agree with what Brianna said..

    Since I also met someone whom I love DEARLY over the Internet, he tends to sometimes get upset cause he can't hug or kiss me goodnight...Aswell as me getting upset when I can't speak to him enough..I don't want to be selfish and tell him what I feel sometimes but he always gets it out of me and knows I am lieing when I say "Nothing Is wrong.." When something is..

    It stinks sometimes but I love my boyfriend dearly and I always will, and we only live two hours apart so it isn't that bad..BUT just talk to him and try to see if you can get what's wrong out of him, let him know you will always be there and what not..

    Other then the talking to him and stuff..I don't know what else you can do..Sorry.. T_T

  • Void
    18 years ago

    First of all, I just want to say thanks to everyone who's offered their thoughts and advice. It always helps to know that there's people pulling for you, or atleast listening to you. Thanks :)

    Well, I figured as much about the above. I know guys do this, hell I do this. Me and him just finished having a discussion (so far from a fight, just him pleading for me to open up a little and me saying no lol) about how I do that to him to. And after him talking to me, I saw how much it hurt him that I keep it all to myself. So I opened up a little bit. Not alot, but a little bit, which is actually a Huge step for me. And I was just hoping he would too... It's a two way street you know!?! (Though I guess I should be tellin' that to him and not you guys. My bad.)... As for knowing who I am - I kind of leave that to him I guess. He's noticed more about me than I have. Infact, I'm so indecisive about everything that sometimes I think I have split personalities because...well it's kind of confusing, so I won't bore you much longer.
    I just wanted to add on to the fact that he's taught me so much about myself. And he's gotten me to change a little bit (in the 'opening up' about my feelings subject). So why can't he try and do the same thing?? Is That typical of guys too?

  • Void
    18 years ago

    Alright, well Brianna I want to thankyou lots and lots and lots, lol especially for comin' back to answer your thoughts yet another time...But thing is (yeah that's right I'm still complaining...gawd I'm annoying myself these days haha)... He'll cry infront of me no problem. (Well, not literally infront of me being that that is impossible, but on the phone when I can hear him, and when he was on cam -given he did turn it off soon enough - but he still was able to show me he was crying. And it's not unusual... He just won't tell me what's wrong... Though I think I have it figured out... Whenever I feel down or whatever, I usually just ignore it, or push it down, or go into complete denial. I didn't notice this before, but it's something else he noticed about me and it's Completely right. I love that denial stage. No matter what happens. I ignore, move it aside and no longer believe it. So if I were feeling like crying, I wouldn't ever say why outloud because saying it would make it true, and get rid of chances for denial...Do you think maybe that's what he's doing?