Can Christianity And Homosexuality Coincide?

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Anyone who believes Gay people are any less divine or more sinful than hetrosexual people because of a book written 2000 years ago needs to wake up and have a good look at the world.

    Tell me one thing that is degraded, either spiritually or socially by gay people?

    And don't say family values or birth rates...because both those things are in flux and have been for a very long time.

    Air quality?..crime rates?

    Go on justify the bibles stand...why are gay people sinners...and don't quote the bible...and don't say it isn't natural...because animals do it..and they are more natural than us.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Bob, I did not say because an animal does something it is therefor morally right or ok to copy, that would be idiotic, you suggested it and not me. And the Dalmer link is stupid and insulting.

    I offered the point that Christians say being gay is not part of Gods plan and yet animals are, and they exhibit gay behaviours, thusly, it could be argued gay activities are part of Gods plan and therefor should not be prohibited.

    Don't go overboard, understand that humans do not need to eat each other, animals do...and we don't understand enough about animals to say they rape each other in the same manner humans do.

    But feel free to totally misinterpret and make up what i've just are rather good at it.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    I find it extremely humorous when people start distingushing people for their differences, rather than their similiarities.

    And this is what we are teaching our future, the differences between people.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    Extremely clever...

    Except what many people are arguing whether yang can date a yang or vice versa...


    But I guess we heard your biased answer. Which is a flat out no...


  • Shædow Poet
    18 years ago

    Christians (and Catholic's in particular) are not against a man or a woman choosing to be homosexual. They aren't against this because they believe every human has the right to choose. However they are against homosexual sex, this is because sex should only occur for two reasons:
    To reproduce and
    For a man and woman to unite together.

    Gay men or women can't do this.

    There is a vast minconception that Christians are against homosexuality...

    and sorry in advanced if I'm wrong at all- this is what I've been taught in school.

  • PS
    18 years ago

    why cant two men or two women unite together, its the meeting of two human beings.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    In some religions, people who "unite" with the same sex, is blasphemous. Due to the fact, it is purely out of pleasure, rather than procreation.

    That is why people can't see two men or two women unite...But it is the 21st century, so I think we are becoming a accepting society.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Andrea wrote : Christians should follow the Bible (God's Word)

    ehh..The bible was never gods words

  • David
    18 years ago

    Deleted... Sorry.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Since we are talking about Homosexuality and Christianity, from my own view point I would say, yes!

    If people care more about living their own lives rather than controlling it, like many religions have done. Then I would refutably say that Homosexuality and Christianity can coincide.

    But seeing as this is a world where control, manipulation and power have ever corrupted the core of religion. I can say quite frankly, no Homosexuality and Christianity cannot coincide. As long as there are people who judge others for whom they choose to be.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    This is a bad question. 'Christianity' means too much for there to be any sort of answer that wouldn't be refuted almost instantly. Arguments concerning the semantics of 'Christianity' detract from the true heart of the question, concerning the possibility of acceptance by a religion that at times and in certain situations is increasingly stringent and unaccepting.

    'Christianity' is a fractured religion, covering so many viewpoints that this question should really be asked and answered on an individual scale to everyone who is a christian (and probably people who aren't).

    "Can you and homosexuality coincide?"

    And if their answer is no, then that begs the question:

    "What is your problem?"

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    The real question should be, can christianity let homosexuality coincide?

    I'd be interested in hearing from someone in here who is a christian and a homosexual.

    But taken from another point of view, there seem to be plently of Christian priests who find ways, usually under the age of consent ways of making christianity and homosexually coincide.

    See how obvious the potential answer becomes when you change the question.

  • PS
    18 years ago

    yeah yeah im aware of that.

  • Laura
    18 years ago

    i'll be honest, i didnt read all of the above, so this might be a bit of repetition, but i figured why not put my 2cents in anyway?

    my take on this, being agnostic, but a former no. ''God'' says homosexuality is wrong.

    but then again, isnt ''God'' supposed to be accepting of everyone and forgive sins? what if there IS a homosexual that loves God just as much as any other christian they just happen to love someone of the same sex? does ''God'' deny them of his love?

    i think being homophobic is completly ridiculous. just because you're a man and there is a gay guy standing next to you doesnt mean he's A. going to want to touch you. b. want to date you. or C. want to fuck you. get over yourself. just because she's a lesbian and you're a female does mean shes gonna go down on you. this topic is ridiculous to me.
    you would think after slavery and racism and all the other prejudices in the world, people would solve the problems like war and things instead of worrying about whether or not a person is in love with someone of the same sexual orientation.

    alright i'm done.
    this subject is touchy with me because a lot of my really close friends are gay.

  • Poe
    18 years ago

    i think you can!(didn'treally read everthing)
    i have plenty of gay friends and they believe in god!
    like billy, he believes god made him just the way he is. and the bible saids love everyone, right? and also that no ones perfect, the peopleo matter what will have flaws(not saying being gay is a flaw).
    so open your eyes ppl
    we're all around you!

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    I am a Christian and I am against homosexuality, but that doesn't mean I hate homosexuals. I have a few friends who are gay and bi but they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet and they are very dear to my heart. There is a difference between what a person does and who a person is. Like, just because you live in Canada and do what Canadians 'do', it doesn't mean that you are a Canadian. I know that being Canadian isn't exactly like being homosexual lol but hopefully you get my point... I have another point of view on this, but I'll probubly post it later when my head isn't in such a tizzy from hearing what other people had to say lol.

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    May be a cliche, but.. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    Sorry to say, but I'm afraid that I cannot post, for I do not want to offend any christians here.

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    I'm offended... : (

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    lol, sorry buddy.