Quick question

  • Steven Beesley
    17 years ago

    The key word is "Constructive", if the comments are made in a civil and constructive manner and not abusive or condescending then it would be welcome by most. Regardless of whether the feeback on the poem is positive or negative, there is a right and wrong way to leave comments. One can give valuable critque but not at the expensive of being nasty and obnoxious.

    If it is "destructive" - demeaning, abusive, offensive and downright rude then it would not be welcome by anyone. This is the wrong way to leave comments.

  • Mo
    17 years ago

    AI - you can go and have a look at my work and give some constructive critisism... Dont do it just to prove a point and dig around for something to write just cause of what we've all discussed here... but I'd rather constructive critisism than the usual "This poem is so deep and full of emtion" type comments. Im not saying that I dont want those comments too!! haha - Just saying its nice to hear everyone's opinion as they think it - not sugar coated.

  • Mo
    17 years ago

    Hey Illuminati - thanks for your honest comments. Im going to go and have a look at it now. Its funny cause that has to be one of my worst poems on here - I didn't really like it too much and I have been meaning to sit down when I get the time and change a few things. It was one of those poems that comes just after writers block!!! hahah. I will look into it. :)

    I'll let you know.


  • Mo
    17 years ago

    Ok I've had a quick look at it and take your advice about the "I" and "myself" repetition... but I dont know what you mean about they rhyming and how it rhymes sometimes and not others... the structure of the rhyme is abcb. These are the words:


    So not sure about what you think wasn't rhyming with those words... let me know if you think its any more of an improvement. :)


  • Broken Saint
    17 years ago

    It's all right with me..
    But I can't really say the same for other poets..
    Just try not to let your criticizms reach that severity..
    Also try to understand that it may be their way of expressing themselves..
    Or at least try to be euphemistic when you do so..


    check out my poems!! (n_n)
    criticize them all you like.. hehe

  • bRiNgMeToLiFe
    17 years ago

    constructive-great,much rather have that then some "5/5 awesome poem" when it sucks.
    negative-no. If your just going to destroy it then please just dont.

  • Mandy
    17 years ago

    i wouldnt really care that much. i mean criticism is what makes us better poets. so telling us how to improve would be very helpful.


  • Mo
    17 years ago

    Yeah Earl somethingorother - its no wonder you dont have any comments on your poems or ratings if you're going to have that attitude towards poetry.

    Oh and Illuminati - Im not going to change my poem just cause in/sins doesn't rhyme completely - that is the beauty of poetry - you can do with it as you please - rhyme, dont rhyme, stanzas, free verse etc.

    Thanks for the input tho.

  • Rachel
    17 years ago

    I don't think its good to always be critical, i think you need to also tell them what you DID like about the poem, and if you didn't like anything then it might not be the best idea to comment on it at all.

  • Keath
    17 years ago

    ^ I totally agree with you.
    You can be critical but you should also tell them what their strong points are. We're here to help each other, not to destroy someone's confidence.