New Word Contest ( everyone's a winner )

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago


    This is the first contest I have ever done :D
    So Im pretty excited to see if anyone responds!!
    Ok, I got this idea off someone else, so I wont take too much credit... *tee hee*

    Ok, below are some words....You have to put every word in the poem and Choose a title for it ( also below ) if you like :)

    *The poem can be about anything..even blood and guts! lol
    *Has to be your own work ( as expected )
    *Has to contain ALL the words listed below but you dont have to chose one of the titles, but if you do it's an extra 2 comments :)
    *Have fun! I'll give everyone at least 2 comments just for there effort!

    ~ WORDS ~


    ~ TITLES ~

    1. Silver Mist
    2. Black Night
    3. Memories
    4. Fear
    5.Secret sounds
    6. Echo's of the Wolf
    7. Silent Screams
    8. Always Night
    9. Forever Fearing
    10. Under pressure

    | Have Fun |

    Love Jen XX

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Under pressure

    This dark secret, this dark night,
    This thing of cold, this thing without light.
    Under all expectations, in anyones mind,
    She was supposed to be perfect, supposed to be kind.
    Under her skin, inside her head,
    This fear of disappointing, every night in her bed.
    "Did I do good enough" is behind all her thoughts,
    For the grades she has, hard she fought.
    "They only care about me being good"
    But when she failed, alone she stood.
    All alone, her mind went black,
    In her memory, she know she had to go back.
    He will hit me, my face and his fist,
    Outside there will be a mysterious mist.
    The mist is silver, the mist is her,
    Her guardian angel, the parent she prefer.
    The echo of her angel, the echo of her mother,
    Which her dad tried to replace fast by another.
    Her mother is angry, yet for her daughter she is nice,
    But he abused her so bad, he have to pay the prize.
    "Its over, its over" her mother tries to shout,
    She grabbers her husband, and throws him out.
    "Leave now, and never come back!
    How dare you take her, how dare you attack?
    I called the police, gave them proof,
    that you didn't give her a home, you gave her a roof.
    You never cared, and you always yell,
    Goodbye so called daddy, go to hell!"

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    -Black Night-

    On a cold black night
    She stands alone on the bridge
    The place they first met
    The place they first kissed
    The place they said good-bye..

    It remains in her memories
    Forever more,
    Lingering here and there
    Flowing about her body
    Eternally reminding her of him..

    The mist surrounded them
    Like a silvery shawl
    He whispered that he had to tell her
    A secret
    Surprised but excited,
    She exclaimed
    Ooh.. A secret?

    And then she saw it
    The cold hard fear..
    Sitting there behind his
    Electric blue eyes..

    He could sense her alarm
    And decided to tell her this
    Precious, terrible, information
    As carefully as he possibly could..

    He looked deep into her eyes
    And told her
    No matter what,
    You know I love you right?
    Her eyes started to water
    And she nodded her head slowly
    What was he going to say..

    He brought his mouth
    Close to her ear
    And kissed it
    I love you
    He repeated
    Then he took a deep breath
    And these are the words
    That came out of the mouth
    That she loved so much..

    I want you to find someone else
    You deserve better than me
    I want you to find someone
    That makes you feel special
    That makes you laugh
    And that you will love
    Until the end of time..

    What are you talking about?
    You do all those things..
    Why would I need someone else?
    She had cried out, starting to panic..

    He looked pained
    And sighed a little..

    I have cancer
    I will not be here
    To the end of time
    To love and to care
    For you..
    I only have a few months left..
    And then I will be gone..

    She gasped..
    The tears in her eyes
    Started running down her
    Cold cheeks
    And then she looked up
    At him and saw the tears
    His tears,
    Overflowing from those
    Electric blue eyes..

    She couldnt hold it in any longer
    She let out an anguished sob
    And it echoed all around their
    Magical palace..

    He held her tight
    Right under his chin
    He kissed her hair
    And told her
    Everything would be fine
    It will all be ok..

    She was comforted
    By his soft,
    Confident words,
    But what she
    Did not see
    Was the sparkle on his cheeks..

    He cried silently
    Just as scared as she was,
    As they embraced
    On their once magical bridge
    Surrounded by
    A silvery shawl
    On a cold black night..

    i really hope you like it! :)

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    come on people!

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Jeah, post!!

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    Wow awesome poems guys!!
    Keep em' coming!!

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    do the words have to be in order and if not can it be an extra comment if they are????

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    ok im gunna write one n ill enter it a little later:)

    i want to kno the answer 2 ^^^ that question b4 i start writin tho

  • ღ»Lσιѕ«ღ
    18 years ago

    Im gonna try to post one tommorow!!!

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    No they dont have to be in order..But sure!! I'll give an extra comment if they are :)

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    come on you guys! this is really easy and as the title says, everyone is a winner! so get writing! btw, are you goin to do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places too? or are you just giving everone the same amount on whether they used a title or not?

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    i'll try to write one and as soon as i do i'll get it to you

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    by Silhouette, of something unimaginable

    The dark secret of the night
    flows cold as ice
    deep under my door
    slowly fear creeps up my spine
    something touches me from behind
    i turn to see the black silhouette...
    a memory so vivid it was real
    now sitting in the mist
    with the silver glow of the moonlight
    hearing the echo of his voice
    ringing in my head
    i love you.......

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    There will be 1st 2nd and 3rd...

    1st - A spot in my Fav's, 10 comments, 10 votes, recognition, and i'll continue to vote on all new poems.

    2nd - A spot in my fav's, 8 comments, 8 votes.

    3rd - 5 comments, 5 votes...

    But as I said...Everyone is a winner...if you win it's 10 comments + another 2 for trying and another 2 if you chose a title.
    Everyone who enters will be garentied 2 comments :)

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    Black Night

    Darkness controlling, the moon gone completely,
    But I have a secret, and in time, I’ll state it sweetly.
    The night changes me, as the cold burns my skin,
    As the spirits rise from underground, ready to begin.

    Fear is in the air, as they’ll come up from behind,
    They’ll snatch away your feelings and will leave you blind.
    The black hand of the dead, snatching away your memory,
    Leaving you in a mist, lost in the night so gloomy.

    When out of the darkness, appears the silver moonlight,
    Taking away the spirits, and making everything alright.
    An echo of a scream, is heard from far away,
    But it’s just me, saying everything is now okay.

    ~*Who Cares?*~

    Okay, I wrote the words in order, and I used a title!:)

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    Ha ha, k

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    Silent Screams

    Silent screams
    Inside my heart
    Slowly but surely
    Tearing me apart
    Silent screams
    Only shown by my tears
    I hold back
    But one escapes my grasp
    The cold wet droplet streams down my pale white face
    My secret is no longer my own
    My fear
    So clear
    Like the memory of you
    Every night crying
    Your picture under my pillow
    In my dreams I see you
    Through the mist of the silver fog
    An echo calls back to me
    I Emerge from behind my veil of tears
    But you are gone
    And there is nothing
    Just black......

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    Wow, these are gonna be hard...but im loving the challenge of judgement....
    Pure talents are shining through guys!

    I will Judge soon....
    If I can get a few more ppl to add some poems of there's.....Tell people about this contest so that it will fill up quicker :)

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    Black Night (of) Memories

    My secret world opened
    On a cold, dark night
    Beneath my feet, I was dragged under
    In fear I turned around
    Behind me I could see horrors beyond suffering
    I screamed as it grew pitch black
    It felt like a distant memory
    Mist clouding my mind
    I choked on fresh air, waking up by the silver moon
    The only thing I heard was my silent echo...
    As I gazed up in wonder at the new world I found.

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    oo! please judge :P

  • Meggie33
    18 years ago

    by Meggie33
    Secrets kept, inside my mind,
    Silent echos, heard from behind.

    Darkened night, and cold fear,
    Silent screams being heard, far and near.

    Silver tears, falling liked blackened mist,
    Under my chained down heart, and handcuffed wrists.

    Silent screams, heard throughout the night,
    Dreams now shaddered, and darkened light.

    Whispering laughter, and mournful cries,
    Lips sewn shut, and honest lies.

    Flying nightmares, and white turned black,
    Such and imperfect world, yet nothing to lack.

    Twisted truths, and untold emotions,
    Forbidden words, and waterless oceans.

    Silent screams, both quiet and loud,
    Silent screams, lower than the ground, yet above the clouds.


  • Meggie33
    18 years ago

    come on, please just judge, im waiting and waiting, i want to know the results... : - D


  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    hehe, me too! :D

  • Kim
    18 years ago

    Silver Mist
    By: Kim

    A weeping willow looms over the darkened river
    Silver tendrils trailing into the cold black waters of despair.
    Secrets echo through the night, whispering behind the edges of memory.
    A silver mist arises from the lake of fear
    Drifting under the cover of perception.
    A haunting melody glides through the still air
    Of a truth, frozen in time.

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    Hmm..ok..I'll give the results on Monday :)

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    aww.. cant you give them any sooner?? :P

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    ah, Monday.. that's a whole lot of waiting and unpatience:P lol

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    Ok..Results are in...
    Go to the new post I done called New Word Contest Results....