wanting to leave the site

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    I'm getting so mad at some poeple on here. I don't know if this happens to any of you i'm sure it does but when ever you have a really good poem and your score is really high the next vote you see someone voted you a 1. This has been happening to me alot lately and its irritating the crap out of me. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH i wish i knew who was doing it.

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    :( Im sorry to hear that Jacki, some people can be really immature, don't let it get to you, stay with us... please...

  • Lydia O
    20 years ago

    Yes, there is definitely some mischief and malicious deeds going on here. Sorry, because you surely don't deserve this. And neither do all the other good people who are contributing their work here.

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    Thank you so much, I just didn't understand how i could go from like 4.8 to a 3.9 or so on....I was like aaaahh i hate this voting thing. But thank you guys for making me feel better :)

  • Bryce Ellner
    20 years ago

    You have to stay anyway. You have to write some more ghostie stories for me to give you 5.0s on ^_^ (Jacki's ghost stories are my favorites!)


  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    aaaaaaahhhhhhh thank you ;)!!!!! there coming soon i've been working on a few more just havn't tweeked them to my liking yet. :)

  • Bryce Ellner
    20 years ago

    yaaaay ^_^ I cant wait!

  • Sarah
    20 years ago

    Jacki, you know you're a better poet than a 1...don't let it get to you. Enjoy the fact that you're awesome and they felt inferior to your skill and felt the need to slam you...you're above all that crap!!


  • don mohr
    20 years ago

    whats that on your belly? in your profile-pic?

  • »«¤ß詤»«
    19 years ago

    yeah i get that its like a 5 one day then a 3 the next it sucks!!!!!

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Why do you care so much about the number? I personally couldn't give a rats about my ratings - its the comments that I value...

    I wish people wouldn't do this to you though Jackie because I have read and enjoyed some of your poetry and find it sad...do put in a complaint about unfair voting if it will make you feel better though

    Good luck and dont leave this great poetry community because of one lil tosser :o) Just take a negative and turn it into a positive k?

    All the best Jackie

    Luv Eirisa

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    This is a pretty old thread, I dunno why it has been revisited

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i don't think it's fair i know what you are talking about jacki sry you have to go through it!

    ~lil slam~

  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    19 years ago

    ya, i no what u mean. that's happened to 2 of my poems. the poems had a 5 rating, now they've gone down to 4.2 and 4.5. i dont see why people do that.

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    Why do you care so much about votes?

    Maybe the person who voted you a 1 did not like your poem.

    Would you like them to lie to you and vote it a 5 so you could keep your high rating?

    Have fun with that.