\\..Hit Me With Your Best Poem..//

  • Tara Kay
    18 years ago

    Murder in a warehouse
    by Tara-Kay

    A girl was walking home alone,
    as a tall man walked by.
    Her legs turned to stone,
    she was scared but didn't know why.

    He put his hand over her mouth,
    and dragged her along.
    As he headed south,
    he hummed a merry song.

    He took her to a warehouse,
    and slammed the door shut.
    He walked around her silently as a mouse,
    then punched her in the gut.

    She was too terrified to fight back,
    her body shaking with fright.
    He turned round to attack,
    His fists clenched tight.

    He hit her again,
    she wanted to shout.
    Her body hurt with pain.
    What was this about?

    He bound her up with rope,
    as she began to cry.
    She couldn't feel no hope,
    he was going to let her die.

    He punched and kicked her,
    then she began to bleed.
    This became a murder as he did the final deed.

    He turned and smiled at her,
    then shot her in the head,
    all she saw was ablur,
    and sadly she was dead.


  • Kevin Dizzle
    18 years ago

    this probably isnt my best...but w/e....

    .: The Road :.

    The road starts out
    Narrow, straight...
    No curves, nor turns,
    No chance to step out of line.

    As we travel along
    the road reaches a fork.
    Left or right....
    Can you make the right choice?

    Whether you take right,
    or whether you take left.
    You will reach your destination
    It just might take longer.

    The twists and turns on the road
    are easy to follow.
    But you may slip off the road,
    and get lost.

    There are signs leading you back.
    Will you follow them or keep off the road?
    Sometimes you just have to give in...
    follow the signs get back to the road.

    Leave the life with no direction.
    Get back on ur path.
    Keep crawling with your
    hair in the crisp air.

    Keep going while you can.
    Savor every moment,
    Dont regret....think of the future....
    because someday that road will end.
    Yea i made this poem for religion..... so thats why it had to do with life...... i just chose a road as my symbol for life.....(we had to base it on that poem like.....my life aint been no crystal stair)....

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    Into Thine Hands

    Secret—Why do thou haunt thee morning hours?
    Twas soul tears which trickled down fragile face.
    Cup mine face into thine hands pure heartbreak.
    Plague these chambers with sorrows, you shall.

    Misery—Why do thou infect thee night’s sleep?
    Twas demons which walk mine mind’s floor.
    Litter mine flesh with specks of ashen dignity.
    Tis a volcano buried beneath cracked layers.

    Pillow—Ought thou to comfort thee tonight?
    Mine head pounds these sorrows into thee.
    This beating heart fails to swim above water.
    Regrets thy allowed continuance access to.

    Oh misery! Shall thy forever be under spells?

  • Tisha
    18 years ago

    What I Said And What I Meant To Say
    by Tisha

    I said that my love for you has died
    What I meant to say is that without you in my life every night I cry
    I said that I hate you
    What I meant to say is I'd give anything to have you here with me today
    I said that I didn't want you in my life
    What I meant to say is that this pain of missing you is cutting me life a knife
    I said that I never want to hear your voice again
    What I meant to say is that I am going crazy wondering how you have been
    I said I was glad to say goodbye
    What I meant to say that everything I said to you when you left was a lie
    I said that I wish that you would stay away from me
    What I meant to say is that I want things back to the way they used to be
    I said I have told you all that you need to know
    What I meant to say is that I need to let my feelings for you show
    I said that you no longer have a place in my heart
    What I meant to say is that I can not take us being apart


    ~Sometimes what you say and what you mean to say are two different things,choose your words wisely~

  • Moose
    18 years ago

    ((I'm sure everyone is sick of seeing this one though, lol. But here it is.))

    A Final Prayer

    A slow rolling tear
    Falling down his cheek
    As he stood over her bed
    he began to feel weak

    He couldn't believe it
    No way this was true
    He couldn't live without her
    He wouldn't know what to do

    He dropped to his knees
    At the head of her bed
    Looked up to the ceiling
    Crying he said,

    "Why'd you do this god
    Why'd you take her from me
    I need her so much
    Why can't you see

    It can't end this way
    No, she can't die
    God please don't do this
    I can't say goodbye

    She can't go away
    Not here, not now
    I'll do anything to bring her back
    Please just tell me how

    Take the life from me
    Take my heart and soul
    God please bring her back
    I don't care what the tole

    Take the blood from my veins
    The breathe from my chest
    I don't care if I die
    Just put me to rest

    God please listen
    The pain is to much to bare
    Her life will end real soon
    If at all you care"

    He stopped speaking for a minute
    As she layed there dying
    The only sound to be heard
    Was of the teenage boy's crying

    His tears crashed to the floor
    As he barely made a stand
    He reached across her body
    And held her hand-in-hand

    As he wiped his eyes
    He couldnt understand
    Whyd this have to happen
    Whyd it have to end?

    He had one last thing to do
    As he watched her lay
    He had one last minute
    One last thing to say

    "I have one more thing to ask
    a favor, God, from you
    If you are going to take her
    Can you please take me too?"

    Again he fell to his knees
    Not knowing what else to say
    He held her hand tight
    Not ready to give her away

    But then he heard the monitor
    Beep for the final time
    And after that, all to be heard
    Was the single flat line.

    He let her hand go
    And kissed her on the cheek
    As more tears came to his eyes
    He prayed they'd soon meet

    Although she is in heaven
    Past the clouds and above
    They could deny him her body
    But not their love

    And when he gets to heaven
    He will soon see
    She will be waiting
    To be together...Eternally

    (C) 2005 Bryce Dressler

  • I Where the Wings of A Fallen Angel..
    18 years ago


    Deep inside i am dying
    While on the outside i am crying
    with only this rain as my witness
    i look over..
    it a long way down
    i look over..
    i turn around
    i am ready...
    falling down, down, down..
    waiting till i hit the ground
    my mind has been made up
    theres no going back
    everything is black
    for some reason I'm not dead..yet
    i know i will be shortly..
    as i breath my last few breaths
    as i think my last thoughts...
    they come to you
    and how after you died i couldn't live
    my last thought: ill see you soon...

    ~MIndy J. Ganser~

  • Summer
    18 years ago

    With my heart you'll play your trick
    With my razorblade I'll play mine
    Youll take my heart and say you'll care
    I'll take my razor blade and form a little line

    Your trick is like magic an illusion of love
    I'm falling deeper into your spell you've enchanted for me
    My trick is like ectasy just like a drug
    An addiction that wont set me free

    With my heart in hand
    you take it for a ride
    A ride that never ends in tears,
    but laughter and smiles

    With my razorblade in hand,
    I'll take it for a spin
    Turning and cutting deeper
    into my skin

    Each passing day Im sinking deeper
    into this trap you've set
    To you it's just a game the more tricks
    the better score you'll get

    Each passing day
    I'm getting closer to my demise
    Every cut bringing me closer
    to what I know is true inside

    Finally feeling helpless,
    I confide in you
    The pain, The hurt, The cuts,
    All that I've been through

    But your not interested,
    this wasnt what you were after
    The illusion disappears, The scars still there,
    but gone is the laughter

    My heart is now breaking,
    because you melted away the ice
    Nothing left to shield it,
    nothing but my device

    I resort to it,
    to keep me from the pain inside
    Closer, and still closer
    to my demise

    The words can't escape me
    But I'll see to it that these feelings will
    I won't end it with this razor alone
    I'll end it with what I feel

    I feel you ripped out my heart,
    so i literary will
    I feel like you drugged me,
    so I'll take this pill

    You slashed through my life,
    I'll slash through my wrist
    You carved your name in my heart,
    and that'll be my twist

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    This simple pleasure
    by Silhouette, of something unimaginable

    The stars are out
    we are together
    nothing but us
    and this simple pleasure

    laying in the sand
    with the waves crashing in
    and our love to warm us
    after our midnight swim

    you fret about the castle, i broke
    but we built one together
    bigger and better
    just hold on to this simple pleasure

    the stars are out
    we haven't a care
    they glisten in the sky
    like the sun in your hair

    we took a picture
    of us together
    as i look at it
    i remember this simple pleasure

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    A Copy of Zero

    Single file.

    As we go to and fro
    down the path to our demise.

    Blackened skies.

    As we go no one knows a thing,
    no one hears the cries.

    The vagrant clouds.

    They weep for us as we shed blood
    and zero almost meets its match.

    For zero becomes our mind's only process at death's point.

    The stars have come and gone.

    The maker has pointed out Mother's eternal flaw.

    And nothing will ever be the same again.

    Single File.

    As we go to and fro,
    and no one will ever truly know a thing.

    Zero comes and goes just as the wind.

    Sleeping under the burnt out stars.

    Never to wake again.

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    ~Postpartum Deport~

    A relationship bound by the court,
    two parents yearning to abort.
    One child's postpartum deport,
    a life, from the start, out of sorts.

    The help of two elders, they sought,
    a custody battle, never fought.
    Drug addict parents, got caught,
    important lessons, never taught.

    A baby that was left behind,
    consequences of a legal bind.
    A lifestyle of a different kind,
    viewpoints from a distorted mind.

    A family separated by years in time,
    a life with a different rhythm and rhyme.
    Two people, making up for another's crime,
    always living off of their last dime.

    A difficult situation from the start,
    a unique picture, of an unpopular art.
    A family, nearly torn apart,
    two grandparents, certainly, off the charts.

    An unwanted boy, now full grown,
    held together by seams, left un-sewn.
    Approaching life with a whole different tone,
    hoping, some day, to live life on his own.

    ~Sean Dohr~

  • J Lau
    18 years ago

    Nature's Paintings
    by J. Lau

    Misty air fills the icy cold sky,
    High above the sea of clouds.
    This first canvas dominated with black,
    Is barely visible to the naked eye.
    Starring closely long enough,
    A glimpse of gold slowly shows.
    Growingly visible, this painting of golden sunrise,
    Slowly fades away it's canvas,
    And opens the painter's show...

    Prepared with colour palettes and a fresh new canvas,
    The painter's brush introduced the riches of hue.
    Shades of yellow, orange and red was used,
    To contrast against the clear blue sky.
    This breathtaking landscape, tall and mighty,
    Stretches beyond the canvas, as far as one can see.
    This, he calls... "The Grand Canyon".
    Painted with the richest of colour,
    Is most definitely one of his masterpiece.

    Moving along the gallery of paintings,
    Another canvas glistens for the dying attention.
    This simple piece of a freezing ice storm,
    Paints a Winter Wonderland that sparkles and twinkles.
    An ordinary tree transformed,
    Into a glistening crystal tree.
    Houses, cars and all visible objects frozen in a shell of ice,
    Glittering like diamonds from golden streaks of sunlight.
    Rarely was this seen,
    Yet a true gem of a scene.

    Another common painting sets the standard,
    Definitely a favourite under the painter's brush.
    All shades of colours from blue to gold,
    Fills the entire canvas from day to night.
    Purple and blue dazzle the skies,
    While gold and amber reflect elegantly off the lake.
    Minutes later as the sun sets down,
    Darkness swallows it's canvas,
    And this unique painting slowly dissipates.

    These are just a few examples of his work,
    With over a billion paintings every day,
    This painter's show lasts only hours each day.
    The painter close off with a challenge,
    For any artist to compete against his works.
    No one dares to compare,
    The ever-changing landscapes he creates.

    The painter also left a note,
    Reminding all his viewers to stop and think.
    To take the time to appreciate all his work.
    Not bound only to what one can see,
    But to all his creations... including you and me.

    < - - - - - - - - - - - >

  • Lauren
    18 years ago

    "Believing the Lies"

    He's sitting next to her in their room,
    and on his shirt,
    she smells perfume...

    She tries to stay strong,
    when everything is going wrong.
    As she softly asks him "whose is this?"
    He punches her with his fist.
    And as tears well up in her eyes,
    she slowly starts to cry...

    After he realizes what he's done,
    he tells her "I'm so sorry, Hun.
    I'll never do it again,
    or my soul will die in sin"

    And she believes him.
    Not because she doesn't know any better,
    but because she wants it to be true so badly.
    And she's in love with him, madly.
    Wow. I'm not nearly as good as the people above me. But this is my best, and I'll give it a shot.

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    ~Master Key~

    So many secrets
    You do hold
    You open up the doors
    To a whole new world.
    Just as easy as
    Opening up doors
    You can
    Lock them from
    Opposing words.

    So many burdens
    You do hold
    So many secrets
    A master key
    Can unfold

    Will you open
    To loving things?
    Or will we find
    Skeleton hiding
    Under appalling lies?

    So many secrets
    A master key does hold
    You hear our whispers
    And open our dream.

    What will we do if you
    Lose you oh master key
    Will our secrets be spilled
    As if it was a bad dream?
    Will you never again
    Unlock our minds
    And gives us hope on
    A starry night?
    So many secrets
    A master key can hold
    So many secrets one key
    Can unfold.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    "Daughter of a freak"
    by Wings of an Angel

    Her hair so awful, her skin so pale,
    She always wondered, where did she fail?
    Born by a freak, raised as a slave,
    No one to guide her, to tell her how to behave.
    Years of working, years so dark,
    She has never seen light, it has left its mark.
    Shut in a room, just going out to clean,
    It's the most horrifying thing they'd ever seen.
    A key to lock her bedroom door,
    Nothing on the walls, nothing on the floor.
    No pillow, no bed, no good memories to hold,
    No warmth, no love, nothing but cold.
    Her mother locked the door, threw away the key,
    The girl keeps asking herself "Whats so wrong with me"
    Sitting in her room, hearing her mother go out,
    She tries to scream, she tries to shout.
    Her mother left her behind, in this room to die,
    Now she's sitting there, trying not to cry.
    She lays down, on the cold hard ground,
    Trying to pray, hearing no sound.
    Laying there for a couple of days,
    in darkness and sadness, down she layes.
    She will never raise again, never see the light,
    She finally gives up, she will no longer fight.
    Her eyes cry of sorrow, her eyes cry of tears,
    Suddenly she sees something, an angel appears.
    "Come with me, darling, come to the light,
    "We will love you, you don't have to fight"
    The angel smiles and reaches out her hand,
    Where did this come from, she doesn't understand.
    The girl reaches out her hand, suddenly starts to soar,
    "Don't worry little darling, they won't hurt you anymore"

  • Ashleigh Skye
    18 years ago

    After The Killing
    by Silent Song (Hayley J)

    After the killing,
    after all the blood shed,
    do they even feel remorse,
    about all the empty beds?

    To walk down the street,
    where so many innocents died,
    riped apart from their families,
    a life they denied.

    Friends turning on each other,
    families broken in two,
    society shattered,
    because of the lines they drew.

    A festering wound,
    on all those who survived,
    haunted by memories,
    of the innocence denied.

    To the creators of this misery,
    do we now see how wrong we were,
    to wipe out a religion, an entire race,
    in hopes of making the world "pure".

    And after all these years,
    all this time to reflect,
    it's happening in the Middle East,
    the people we need to protect.

    If only our lesson had been learned,
    then how many thousands would still be alive,
    how many future scientists and doctors will die,
    because their lives we deprived.

    A miracle is needed,
    to fix the pain worldwide,
    because we cannot learn from our mistakes,
    and the globe continues to divide.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    Goodbye Darling

    She watches as they slowly, lower the casket,
    Wishing she had never told him to take that shortcut.
    If it wasn't for her yelling, he'd still be alive,
    As she goes back into her memory archive.

    Back in high school, when they first met,
    He asked her out, because it was a bet.
    Then he realized, money didn't matter,
    He didn't care who knew, for he loved her.

    They were only freshman, yet madly in love,
    They had maturity far up and above-
    the rest. Then at 18, he popped the question,
    "Will you marry me", and "yes" was her reaction.

    Now she cries, after 5 years of marriage,
    She wishes more than anything to give him one last message.
    That's she sorry, and she loves him more than anything,
    She will miss him, and don't worry, he'll always mean something.

    The priest then states, "He died in a car,
    As he, and his wife, drove to the local bar.
    She said, take a shortcut, because it's getting late,
    Because tonight was special, since their child, their first date.

    A drunk from the bar, must've not seen them,
    Because he hit the car, and the car went in flames in mayhem.
    Luckily for us, the wife got away,
    As we can see, he didn't, that's why were here today."

    He says a little pray now, as all throw in roses,
    As in his coffin, he eternally snoozes.
    All the guest go home, except for his wife,
    She says goodbye, he was the love of her life.

    "Goodbye, my darling Husband, I've known you so long,
    I'm sorry that this happened, I was so wrong.
    I'll really miss you, I'll never forget about you,
    Goodbye honey, I know you love me too."

    ~*Who Cares?*~
    I had a few I really liked that was hard to decide!
    Good Luck Everyone.

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    Yeah I know how you feel it took me awhile to figure out what poem to post.
    I love all the poems so far!!!!! Great work people :D

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    A cold, black night..
    by ..נєѕѕу..©

    On a cold black night
    She stands alone on the bridge
    The place they first met
    The place they first kissed
    The place they said good-bye..

    It remains in her memories
    Forever more,
    Lingering here and there
    Flowing about her body
    Eternally reminding her of him..

    The mist surrounded them
    Like a silvery shawl
    He whispered that he had to tell her
    A secret
    Surprised but excited,
    She exclaimed
    Ooh.. A secret?

    And then she saw it
    The cold hard fear..
    Sitting there behind his
    Electric blue eyes..

    He could sense her alarm
    And decided to tell her this
    Precious, terrible, information
    As carefully as he possibly could..

    He looked deep into her eyes
    And told her
    No matter what,
    You know I love you right?
    Her eyes started to water
    And she nodded her head slowly
    What was he going to say..

    He brought his mouth
    Close to her ear
    And kissed it
    I love you
    He repeated
    Then he took a deep breath
    And these are the words
    That came out of the mouth
    That she loved so much..

    I want you to find someone else
    You deserve better than me
    I want you to find someone
    That makes you feel special
    That makes you laugh
    And that you will love
    Until the end of time..

    What are you talking about?
    You do all those things..
    Why would I need someone else?
    She had cried out, starting to panic..

    He looked pained
    And sighed a little..

    I have cancer
    I will not be here
    To the end of time
    To love and to care
    For you..
    I only have a few months left..
    And then I will be gone..

    She gasped..
    The tears in her eyes
    Started running down her
    Cold cheeks
    And then she looked up
    At him and saw the tears
    His tears,
    Overflowing from those
    Electric blue eyes..

    She couldnt hold it in any longer
    She let out an anguished sob
    And it echoed all around their
    Magical palace..

    He held her tight
    Right under his chin
    He kissed her hair
    And told her
    Everything would be fine
    It will all be ok..

    She was comforted
    By his soft,
    Confident words,
    But what she
    Did not see
    Was the sparkle on his cheeks..

    He cried silently
    Just as scared as she was,
    As they embraced
    On their once magical bridge
    Surrounded by
    A silvery shawl
    On a cold black night..

    hehe.. okay, mine is definetely not as good as all those.. but im gonna try :P hope you like it!

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Short Story

    If only the words that lie inside,
    Openly would show,
    Than you would see the pain subside,
    And how I love you so,
    But here I stay where I am well,
    Away from all the pain,
    Here in my heart-broken hell,
    Where living is but vain,
    And my only hold on life,
    Beats within my chest,
    Pierced, as if it were a knife,
    Heartbroke and at unrest,
    Doctor, won't you check my pulse,
    To see if I'm alive,
    Is this life or is this false,
    And how could I survive,
    For life without it's reason,
    Is that even life at all,
    Living only for the season,
    As passes summer to fall,
    Is there life beyond that place,
    Where you dream to be,
    Why must I the future, face,
    This futures not for me,
    So give me life in all its wonder,
    Give me air to breathe,
    Give me hope to cast asunder,
    Upon the day you leave,
    Give me pain and give me hell,
    Above all of these things,
    Give me a short story to tell,
    For death the future brings.

    Daniel Ray Mulvany

  • ღ»Lσιѕ«ღ
    18 years ago


    The pain and suffering that burns through my heart
    I just cant take it when were apart
    When you told me that we were threw
    I knew then there was nothing that I could do

    It tore my heart into a million pieces
    This feeling that your heart releases
    I cant take it anymore I want to die
    I raise up the knife as I start to cry

    The knife is sharp against my wrist
    I know now that I wont be missed
    As blood from my veins start to burst
    I think about how you were my first

    I sat your picture next to the letter
    That says how things just couldnt get better
    One more slice and all my veins are cut
    Here it goes now my eyes are shut

    When they found me in the puddle of red
    They knew then that I was dead

  • Tara Kay
    18 years ago

    i cant wait for the results!

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    good luk every1..:)

    18 years ago

    What love is???

    Love is a feeling to die,
    It's a feeling to live one more life.
    Love is a feeling to let others live,
    But it's never a feeling to kill.

    Love is a feeling of fear to get apart,
    It's a feeling which join million of hearts.
    Love is a feeling which often makes you cry,
    It's a feeling which one cannot buy.

    Love is a feeling to care more than urself,
    It's a feeling of joy, care and help.
    Love is a feeling to protect your loved one,
    It's a feeling in which hearts are won.

    Love is a feeling to hear the silent words,
    It's a feeling to ignore the absurds.
    Love is a feeling to feel the others pain,
    But it's never a feeling just all about gains.

    Love is a feeling to wait for someone dear,
    Only love is the feeling which brings them near.
    Love is a feeling to be together till the end,
    Its always a feeling to hold the hand in every trend...

  • Adriana
    18 years ago


    You stuck with me when times were bad
    You're the best person I've ever had
    You forgave me when nobody could
    because i was simply misunderstood
    I thank God ever day
    for having the best mom in the world today
    the person that loved me
    the person who cared
    the person where all my secrets were shared
    so this poem goes out to you
    just to show how much I love you.

    By: ~Adriana~

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    im nervous. lol:) don't you hate it when you spacebar stops workingevery oncein a while? lol random sorry...its justso annoying! it keeps not working...grrr..its hard 2 write new poems wen u have 2 kep going backover and over again!

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    great poems everyone! :)

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    hey! its may 30 that its over ...

  • Summer
    18 years ago

    .........eeeeeee...........it's almost time!!!!
    This is like the first actual contest I've entered. :) Everyone has great poems. I'd wish yall good luck but from what I read no one needs it. :) :) :)

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    I can't wait to know who wins:D

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    oo, are ya gonna judge?

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    C'mon, hurry! :D

  • Lauren
    18 years ago

    may 30 is almost over...

  • Jordan
    18 years ago



    Just a little bit further....

    We're gettin restless!


  • Lauren
    18 years ago

    haha i know really!!!

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    heehee, I'm probably annoying people, but this is fun!

  • Lauren
    18 years ago


    NOW may 30 is over =]

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    yayy! time to judggee!

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago


  • Jordan
    18 years ago


  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    its ok we still love u:)