
  • ☼totalDARKNESS☼
    19 years ago

    it'll be alright babe, i studied phyiciarty for a while, and it is like going to a doctor. The doctor will just ask you about you'r moods and thihngs like that. They last thing a Phyciatrist will do is hurt you, the doctor my make you upset yourself, but that is a good thing belive it or not. They might make you think of things that upset you, but the reason they may do that is to see how you react to it, in many different ways they will be studying you in different ways you express your emotions. They have to do that to see what to diagnose you with and how to treat it, sometimes that involes medication, therepy, phycology, and sometimes it is something very simple, it all depends on the situation. There is no reason to be scared of going. But i was the same way when i was 13, and i was told i had to go for the first time, i hated it, but then i realized what it was doing for me.

  • ☼totalDARKNESS☼
    19 years ago

    it'll be alright babe, i studied phyiciarty for a while, and it is like going to a doctor. The doctor will just ask you about you'r moods and thihngs like that. They last thing a Phyciatrist will do is hurt you, the doctor my make you upset yourself, but that is a good thing belive it or not. They might make you think of things that upset you, but the reason they may do that is to see how you react to it, in many different ways they will be studying you in different ways you express your emotions. They have to do that to see what to diagnose you with and how to treat it, sometimes that involes medication, therepy, phycology, and sometimes it is something very simple, it all depends on the situation. There is no reason to be scared of going. But i was the same way when i was 13, and i was told i had to go for the first time, i hated it, but then i realized what it was doing for me.

  • Kymberly
    19 years ago

    They suck!! Well I don't like them they ask you questions and talk to you and then evalute you and basically tell you that yopur depressed but if your going to one that point is mostly obvious which makes the point og going and the 8o dollars you spend for and hour for them to tell you what you already know pointless huh? Hmm...

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    19 years ago

    80 dollars?? Wow that's a lot!

  • StormySkies
    19 years ago

    If it's ur first time, they ask you questions to evalutate you, like when he asked if I was depressed, I said yes. Then he asked on what scale, beteen 1 and 10. Stuff like that, how are you sleeping, noticed any changes in behavior... etc. It's jsut like a psychiatrist, except they cost 120 dollars and a psycologist can't perscribe you meds. Hope I helped.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    if you arent comfortable with grownups,request a peer mediator.

  • Lecrissa
    19 years ago

    I play chess with one wail we talk ,but then she is one of my best friends. It takes a few visits to get comfortable talking if you haven't been to one before. If you find you don't like the one your seeing ask to see another till you find one you like. They are there to help you.

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    19 years ago

    If they're so set on helping people, why do they charge so much???

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    totalDARKNESS, I refuse to believe that you studied psychology.I think you would have known how to spell it otherwise.

  • Kymberly
    19 years ago

    Hahaha.....I love when people show their own stupidity...I will have to agree ^^ I think that if you took a course and studied it that you could at least spell it right!

  • StormySkies
    19 years ago

    Well, they have to make a living, don't they? There are doctors out there that arn't jsut trying to make tons of money, and really are in the business to help people, but they still make over a hundred grand a year. The way I like to think of it is, they are getting payed back for all of the years and money that they poured into college. That's why teachers sohuld get payed more.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    I now see that you were trying to spell "psychiatry", which makes this all the more funny. You don't refer to the course as psychiatry it's psychology. By the way, do you even know the difference?

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    19 years ago

    I still don't think it's right to charge so much though. Some people can't afford such high fees, so does that mean they are forced to just drop their problems. It just doesn't seem fair. But I suppose that's life.

  • StormySkies
    19 years ago

    kim, I know. Their are some who will down thier prices or do a loan if the person really needs it. Sadly, many families disown "crazy" people in thier family with problems and they end up in the street because they can't work. Someone really sohuld help them.