Color Poem Game

  • PygmyPuff
    18 years ago

    I'm starting a new game...Well a new board for this game. I'll post a color, the next person write a quick poem about it then a new color. Lets see what emotions are associated with what colors.

    [Pygmy Puff]

    First color: Purple

  • Jessica
    18 years ago


    The color fills the air
    It flows into your mind
    The mysteries
    And secrets
    Surround it
    Exist in it..

    Looking at the purple
    Fills your mind
    With questions..
    And makes your brain
    Hungry for answers..

    The color fills the air
    It flows into your mind
    The mysteries
    And secrets
    Surround it
    Exist in it..


    18 years ago


    Let it take you to a land away.
    Listen to what your mind does say.
    Enchanted by the beauty.
    Look deeper into what you see.

    Connect with it,
    This colour we see each day,
    Has a much deeper meaning,
    Embrace it,
    Let it into your mind,
    Let it relax each feeling.

    No stress,
    Freedom. Feel the colour within you.

    Sorry thats..weird =P best try

    Next colour - Blue.

  • Meggie33
    18 years ago


    Dark and scary,
    nowhere to go,
    secrets and whispers,
    nobody you know.

    Traps and locks,
    swears and fights,
    greed and glory,
    nothings alright...


    18 years ago


    Vibrant and lively,
    a night out on the town.
    Get your girls together,
    drinks all around.

    Put on your favorite black dress,
    squeeze into your silver stilettos.
    lipstick crimson and red,
    earrings so obnoxious and ghetto.

    So pour me a pink martini,
    olive and a straw.
    My girls stand behind me,
    As heads turn in awe.

    -Jenna xo :)

    not that great, wrote it quickly, but that's what popped into my head when i thought about pink. Lol. Next color...

  • Crimson Heartbreak
    18 years ago


    Brown is the colour of many things.
    The mud that causes stains,
    The chocolate and teddies that give comfort,
    To everyone when it rains.
    It can be comfy, cozy and warm,
    It can also be dirty, sticky and dark.
    Brown is the colour that makes me think of,
    A lot more than what I can write here.

    ..... lol okay, i just wanted to be able to post a colour so nur :P It.. maybe made sense.

    okay! umm next colour...


  • Lexi Lou
    18 years ago

    When the sun is in the sky
    I can't look it in the eye
    But I assume its yellow

    When someone is happy all the time
    I think you will come to find
    Their room is probably yellow

    The icons that are smiley faced
    that seem a complete and total waste
    They are always yellow

    The sterotype of peppy cheerleaders
    Who can never be grade meeters
    It's rumored their hair is Yellow

    So when I'm mad and want to wallow
    I find a small room that will swallow me
    And make sure it is never Yellow

    Lime Green

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    Let's dance
    Under the moonlight
    We're all awake
    And we're all lime green

    Smiling incessantly
    Filled with excitement
    We're all awake
    And we're all lime green.

    The stars, they gaze
    Upon our moonstruck faces
    Dazed and confused
    We all take our places

    In the cold night
    We dance for the stars
    We're all awake
    And we're all lime green

    Yess.....that was wierd. It's just such an exciting color!


  • LockedInEternity
    18 years ago

    it doesnt have to bee good right>> goes..


    i take a look upon my wrists.
    and with the lighting of the moon,
    i see the perfect blend of skin,
    with all my cuts that turned maroon.

    On rosy flesh they look so dark,
    they look so full of different pains..
    and i remeber every cut..
    and all those dried up maroon stains... colour...turquoise...heh, lets see what you come up with:P