What depresses me is..

  • Bloomed Rose
    18 years ago

    I think you both are right. Soon everyone will be goth, and walking around the mall trying to find the nearest hot topic. lol but seriously, I totally agree with you both. Our society is slowly going down hill.

  • A Broken Bleeding Soul
    18 years ago

    I've always thought about what the generations after us are going to be like. The future doesn't seem to bright. Society has been getting worse... but what can the next generations possibly do to top our generation. Well I have no idea... but I do know that it will be done.

    I like that staircase analogy. It makes perfect sense. Everything is going downhill.... It makes you feel sorry for the generations to come.

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    Hmm, well, to be honest with you guys.

    I don't think it's that bad in certain countries. I know the younger generations are badly influenced, but there are countries that are doing fine. It's definitely not the West. Look to the East, the countries that are not living the lifestyle we are. They have more hope than us. The Western World is falling down those damn stairs quicker than the East.

    "As they say "The future is uncertain"
    and "The past is history".."

    ^^ The past may be history, but history tends to repeat itself. Here's a short lesson for you.

    Ever heard of the 'Medieval Times' or the 'Middle Ages'? It was about 500AD. Well, that was about the time where countries were becoming modernized. Then came the fall of the Western Roman Empire, when Babarian tribes, such as the Goths, burned everything. All literature was lost, and society had to start all over again. Who knows where we would have been - if we would have been here - if that didn't happen.

    We may wipe each other out someday, and then we will have to start all over again. But how far back will we be? As you say, the future is 'uncertain', there are grey areas, but it's not hard to predict what might happen.