Is it too late?

  • FrozenTearsBleed
    18 years ago

    Is it too late when you think your life is going ALL WRONG! My life is slowly crumbling before my face. Sometimes I wish I was no more, and then maybe people would miss me, say they loved me, say they needed me. But I dont want to have to die to have friends and family who love me. Its not worth the pain to live when everyday is full of sadness. =( Is it too late for me?

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    You're going through a 'angsty' phase. And you know as well as I do that at 14, it is not 'too late' for you.

    You need to chill out, and really take a good look at your life. You have friends and family, and just because they don't tell you every day that they love you, it doesn't mean it's not true. You have an education. You have your health. Think about all those children who don't have any of that, and their main struggle in each day is finding food and clean water to survive, and you're wishing your life away over nothing?

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    It's not too late.

    Like Kara said, You're 14. Wait untill your 20-40 years old. And you'll be dealing with alot more pain. But keep your head up =]


  • FrozenTearsBleed
    18 years ago

    I dont have good health, my family life is unstable and im suicidal. I have an eating disorder which makes me very ill. I cant yet really help children who dont have food and water, but I have given things to charities for them. So I dont need to hear it I guess, I need help for my depression. More help then I have now.

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    It's never too late...all you need to do is decide that you are ready to be happy. Simple stuff!

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    You're health is bad because you've made it so. And everyone has problems with their families. I was arguing with mine constantly for three years straight.

    Look, I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but the way you're talking about things, it seems more like melodrama than depression. If you really think you are depressed, then what do you expect people on this site do? You need to get yourself to the doctors, or therapy. I wish you well, and remember, a smile can do wonders.

  • FrozenTearsBleed
    18 years ago

    I agree with you Kara. But I have been diognoised (spelling) with depression by my doctor. I used to have therapist but she went out of work and I lost her. I had no one to go to. My health was poor before my eating disorder.(runs in my family) I have no one to talk to and feel alone. I cant get meds for my depression because my mother doesnt want me to kill myself do to it. Money is tight because we are building a house which means moving. Its bad and I hate it, im not trying to Be "dramatic" but hey, think what you'd like.

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    Ok, I'm going to take one more stab at this.
    I don't doubt that at the moment, things are hard for you, and again pointing out your age, you'll be going through puberty, and with your hormones all over the place, things are going to feel worse than they actually are (which is more what I meant about melodrama. I'm sorry I offended you). And I do understand this, but this is where you have to help yourself.

    Talk to your mother. I'm sure she must know how you're feeling if you've been to a therapist. You need her support, so you have to ask for it. And ask if there's any chance you can see a new therapist, or even if you can ring up some type of childline (I don't know what you guys have out there). Talking is usually the best cure. I wouldn't rely on medications. It's just a temporary fix. That won't help you.

    Take things slowly, and get yourself out of the house as much as possible. Staying in will drive you mad in the long run.

    And what I was trying to say in the past two posts is look at things in perspective. It may seem hard at the moment, but things could be so much worse. It may be a bit difficult for you, but at least you don't have deal with some of these dreadful situations other children do.

    Keep you're head up, whatever you do.

  • FrozenTearsBleed
    18 years ago

    Thanks Kara for talking with me even though we may have disagreed =) it makes me feel good to have someone to talk to. Please read some of my poetry and comment/keep in touch. =)