can anyone be my friend on this site

  • gasping for air
    20 years ago

    hey, im always willing to get to know someone new... just to let you know, when ppl first talk to me or meet me they think im stuck up and stuff... but thats not true.... you just have to get to know me and give me a chance and i think you'll like who i am as a person... im a lil dorky, silly, and sometimes hyper... but hey, its all good... i can be a great friend if u give me a chance
    loves and hugs
    Manda Lynn

  • Kevin J
    20 years ago

    Welcome ash :). Thanx 4 the blessing ...back at ya dude;)

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    Hey Ashton,

    welcome to the site bud! we're all friends here =) hehe... well i hope you enjoy it! i look forward to reading your poems in the future =)


  • alexander
    20 years ago

    I love your poems keep on writing you're great at it and I'll be your friend I loved your poems