Help me Please--- its a friend prob.

  • Ashes of a Black Rose aka Night Child
    18 years ago

    i know how you feel. she might have just said it out of anger, so call her up maybe and apologize. or just ask her if she's over it and can you still be friends, unless you dont want to be her friend. in that case, just ignore her. its hard. i just had a fight with one of my friends, and im not gonna lie that it all turned out ok, we hate eachother. but if this girl is really a close friend, let her know that. friends are important. let her know that too.

    dang that was longer than i thought.
    good luck!


  • SatinRisse
    18 years ago

    Friends say that kind of stuff to eachother all the time in the heat of the moment.

    Just call her up and tell her that you're sorry...even if it's not your fault...and work it out from there.

    Talking is really the only thing you can do.

  • Nicole
    18 years ago

    i have had this reoccuring situation with a friend i have known since i was at the end of year 7. she treats me like this non-stop but everytime i have gone up to her and apologised for her mistake so that i dont lose a friend. u need to come to an agreement and try to work through it u dont want to lose ur friend like i did this year