
  • Lovemylove
    18 years ago

    I've been depressed for a while now, just thinking about the past that keeps coming up to smack me in the face. The depression is also caused by my dad and my mother, and my grandmother. Mainly because of the things they say or do.

  • Lovemylove
    18 years ago

    I just don't know what to do.

  • PygmyPuff
    18 years ago

    I know what you mean...Im depressed now because of an inncident that occured of students that attend my school. I mean I wasn't even friends with them but like I feel really depressed


  • UnderAge Dying
    18 years ago

    God i know what you mean.

    my "mother" is driving me insane as of right now
    and its taking every ounce of happiness
    that i have with every hurtful thing she says or does

  • kelli
    18 years ago

    Talk to me I can talk to you about anything I am always here no matter what the problem or stuff you want to chat about is.

  • kelli
    18 years ago

    Yes,the same is happening if you need to talk to me just pm me. please talk to me..

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    I understand the way your feeling, but I have a lil lesson I wish I learnt so many years ago I wish to share with you and anybody else reading this thread. One of the most powerful things we possess is our ability of CHOICE. Now you can blame other people and there actions on the way your feeling as much as you for as long as you like, truth is until you start accepting responsibility for your own actions and feelings you wont be able to move on. Now you say its your parents and your extended family that are causing you so much grief, truth is its yourself! The only persons thoughts, actions, words and feelings you can control are your own! Your choosing to let there words and actions affect you and your life so much, just as you can choose to let go and start moving on...question is are you prepared to do that and be responsible for these things rather than taking the easy way out and blaming your emotions on all those people around you. Im not saying you dont have a right to be hurt over things they say or do, but you always have the right to just move on and get on with your life as have the right to be happy and escape your depression if only you would let yourself!

  • Lovemylove
    18 years ago

    Under*AgeDying, what is she doing, maybe we can help each other. Because i've got some family issues right now actually.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    ""I know what you mean...Im depressed now because of an inncident that occured of students that attend my school. I mean I wasn't even friends with them but like I feel really depressed"

    Are you serious? I think you need to understand the difference between "sad" and "depressed". Don't use "depressed" so freely.

    And seriously, most teenagers that claim they're "depressed" aren't even close. It's just hormones.. don't sweat it.


    ^^I agree for the most part with Angelina.
    Be careful about using the term depressed, clincal depression is a disease that you should seek professional attention for.

  • Lyla
    18 years ago

    "And seriously, most teenagers that claim they're "depressed" aren't even close. It's just hormones.. don't sweat it."
    Yet some are. And if you tell the ones that are depressed they are just sad they will honestly think that and wait to snap out of it....and become even more depressed

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    maybe they should go to a doctor and find out whether they're depressed or not. Angelina's point was that you shouldn't just throw the term around. If you think you're depressed, then check it out, but there is a chance that you're misdiagnosing yourself.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago


    As a moderator for the forums of this site, I'll read all the threads I can in order to look out for misconduct.

    As a member of this site, I will read the threads I'm interested in and respectfully give my opinion on the topic at hand.

    I haven't insulted anyone here, and I'd appreciate it if you would attempt to be more polite in the future.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    "well Sean you are not depressed or sad are you? so if your not then get the heck out of this part of the disscusion board."

    ^That was the rude comment I was referring to. There are no rules concerning one's state of mind when one entered any particular forum.

    I'm not sure which one of my statements insulted you, but I'm sorry the affected you in that manner. They were meant to suggest what I've been suggesting all along, which is that diseases are best treated by professionals.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    It's okay Megan. I really don't mind. I'm happy to hear that you didn't really mean it, that makes me feel a little bit better.

    Here's what I hope you can understand about alot of the people on this site:

    Lots of posts you'll read seem really negative or harsh or cruel. But the people posting them aren't doing it out of cruelty or self-interest. They're saying the things they are because they think that what they say can help the person they're saying it to. They believe that their honest comments can have a positive effect on the person in the long run. If the comments didn't help you, then I'm sure that would make everyone upset, because their intention wasn't to hurt you without helping.

    In the Love Forum, Natalie84 constantly posts about how ridiculous it is for 14 year olds to be having sex. She isn't saying that because she hates 14 year olds, she saying that because from experience, she feels that they're making a mistake that she wants to help with. She's trying to make things better, even if the words seem cold.