emos and goths

  • cuppycake
    18 years ago

    I feel bad for the close minded people who insist on using lables. I hate them.

    Yet I fall victim to much of them, people INSIST on calling me emo or goth. I don't even know where they begin to get it from. Possibly because I wear band T's every now and then.. But all I know is that they are dumb. I've givin up on people thinking I'm a person and not a goth or emo..what ever that may be...I haven't really found out yet.

    Anyway..lables will always be there and there will always be discrimnation tward different ones.

    Just be happy to be you.


  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    I love these kind of threads, because they're self-absorbored ego-tripping breaths of fresh air from the usual bleh...

    'Music is for listening, not labelling.'

    SHHH, don't spread this around. Rolling Stone will go out of business.

  • Colby
    18 years ago

    ""I dont mind emo kids as long as they do something other than sit around a cry about how much their life sucks."

    And more people than just emo kids cry about it. Why not say:

    "I don't mind people as long as they do something other than sit around and cry about how much their life sucks."

    And leave the whole emo thing out of it."

    ^ cause this topic is about emo kids

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    Yeah but I'm saying your statement is attempting to pertain to the topic simply by inserting a catchphrase of the topic. Besides, this thread is more about the fallacy of stereotypes than anything, and all you're doing is fulfilling one.

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    It's bad enough that people call other people "emo" and "goth" but why, why oh why do you have to give yourself a label?

    That's just dumb.

    Why not just call yourself "yourself?"

  • cuppycake
    18 years ago

    ^^ I Agree.

  • demolitionmegan
    18 years ago

    omgz! emo kids are getting so hated on in my school right now. these guys like hold my friends down and try to cut their hair. that's just so not right! what the hell is wrong with people?!

  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    I dont mind emo kids as long as they do something other than sit around a cry about how much their life sucks

    ^(this is emo, is it not?)

  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    okay. ahh...grr...anger-ness.
    I've been reading all these posts, and honestly, the way you dress does not make you an effing emo.
    Example: my..aquaintance...paige was one of those I'm-always-worried-about-my-marks-and-I-must-be-perfect-at-everything,/ I-am-good-at-every-single-frikken-sport / I'm-going-to-gossip-about-everybody-all-day-long / don't-do-that-we'll-get-in-trouble, and almost pretty much everything else you can think of along that lines.
    That is paige. Okay? that's her personality.
    One day, she decided she would buy a whole bunch of studs/wristband, cut and spike her hair really short, wear red and black, and claim she hated posers (hahahahaha...does that not make you laugh?)
    Anyways, moral of the story: does this make her a punk?
    Repeat after me, people: "PAIGE IS NOT A PUNK"

    Punk, along with most other stereotypes, is an
    Repeat one more time: "PUNK IS AN ATTITUDE".

    Is it in your brain now?
    Let's not take any chances...


    THis attitude/life style can often result in clothing and/or makeup. ok? But honestly, I could dress myself completely in black and wear loads of make-up and still run around saying everything I say about Emo-hood and other such matters.
    The way you dress has almost nothing to do with who you are, except that maybe it's like a wa of expression sometimes, and depending with how you choose to...umm....*loss of words*..how you choose to like, use clothing.



  • Flower Child[hippie]
    18 years ago

    people dont need to be hating on people i mean just stop finding a reason to mess with outhers
    i mean u are who u are drop it
    its not a big deal an to all that hatin on u tell them to go away

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    i must be one then! since i checkd 5 or more boxes of that stereo typing......
    by the way whats an emo? i havnt a clue but i seem to be one of them-someone called me it once but i didnt know why.....

    i think its a form of ism, i think, like racism or sexism or even ageism, now they have emoism....

    october x

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    "i think its a form of ism, i think, like racism or sexism or even ageism, now they have emoism...."

    That made me laugh for about ten minutes. Wouldn't there also be chavism, gothism, normalism... and the list continues.

    A lot of people don't like emo kids because they complain too much. Everybody has problems, but it's the emo kids that like to tell everyone about them - and never get them sorted.
    And it's usually emo kids that'll put on their profiles "I'm depressed, I cut, and I've tried to kill myself"
    It's bloody annoying - plus, they are the funniest stereotype ever! And yeah, I am being judgemental.

    I especially like it when you have names like xapatheticxheartx or emoxcore

    Ok, I was half joking before, I'll be serious now. It's only because it's new. The whole emo thing has only been around for a couple of years, and it won't last much longer. In the 90s it was cool to be grunge - now it's cool to be emo. And there are always going to be people, that do find the concept annoying. I don't really care about labelling, but I tend to get annoyed with most of the stereotypes we hear about.

  • TinyDancer46
    18 years ago

    ^Couldn't have said it better myself!

  • loves lost angel
    18 years ago

    well i have to disagree with everyone saying they hate goths and emos because i am goth and have been for a while nmow and i have more friends then i want i personaly think it is the goths and emos (well most of them) who dont wanna be liked becausei personally do not like very many people and i would rather be sitting in a corner reeading a book drawing or writting rather then talking on the phone or hanging out with people unless i like them like ill hang out with my boy friend all the time and a couple of my friends because they are like me and i can stand them

  • Tine
    18 years ago

    I don't have anything against ppl who 'label' themselves, like some ppl already said it here. Why does it matter? If ppl decide which way they like to be, and which way they like to turn in life, then that's a GOOD thing!! Not bad at all! So why do some of you dislike emo's, goths, punks?! I don't know it! Let It Be!


  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    beautiful nightmare: Nobody really said that they hate emos or goths - just they hate the stereotypes, and even worse, people actually labelling themselves - although, I'm not mad about emo's to be honest - and yes, I'm judgemental.

    18 years ago

    beautifull nightmare: your awsome!!!!!!

    thats just the words i want to say but wont come out

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago


    people call me emo. i don't care.

    people call my friend emo. i don't listen.

    people call anyone who looks sad emo.. and that's not true. what if someone just had a bad day? what if they can't help having their wrists scarred? what if their favorite color happens to be black? can you judge them because they like music that reaches the heart? because they like poetry and don't mind heavy metal/wearing chains? you shouldn't judge...

    ^ this is why i am called emo..


    i'm not claustrophobic... im completely the opposite. i love being surrounded by friends. i hate being alone. it scares me if no one is there to listen..

    goth and emo are just labels. who cares? you can't label me.. my only label is my name.

  • UnderAge Dying
    18 years ago

    "i hear everyone going on about hating goths and emo, i myself am an emo and i like to be liked, can someone please tell me why they dislike them...


    "well i have to disagree with everyone saying they hate goths and emos because i am goth and have been for a while nmow and i have more friends then i want i personaly think it is the goths and emos (well most of them) who dont wanna be liked becausei personally do not like very many people and i would rather be sitting in a corner reeading a book drawing or writting rather then talking on the phone or hanging out with people unless i like them like ill hang out with my boy friend all the time and a couple of my friends because they are like me and i can stand them"

    "beautifull nightmare: your awsome!!!!!!

    thats just the words i want to say but wont come out"

    isnt that^^^ just contradicting yourself? you say you want to be liked but then you say that you agree with what beautifull nightmare said about "emo's" and "goths" not wanting to be liked?

    another thing, if you dont care what people think then why is this such a big deal. it's a label like everything else in the world is, someone is always something, the prep the goth the cutter the picture perfect family the sluts the snobs they're fcuking labels and its getting old. people label themselves, just like you said, you're an "emo" no one told you to say that you did therefore you're labeling yourself.

    be who you are and if you are, then stuff that people say shouldnt bother you.

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    "be who you are and if you are, then stuff that people say shouldnt bother you."

    ^^ Unfortunately they'll look at that statement and not bother with it, and just go back to their pathetic life. They will pick and choose what they want to listen to, which is usually all the negative things, and all the helpful, positive advice, they shut it down. There is no point in arguing emos and goths, it's just people who label themselves, and follow trends, through fashions, attitudes and music. The world is full of different people, who cares who is what?

  • UnderAge Dying
    18 years ago

    *sigh* haha...exactly^^
    whats the point of trying
    OHHH YEAH, they get attention. pssh.

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    wow! sweet, what a deal!
    get attention in return for self-esteem!
    haha, attention, how long will that last?..

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    ^^ hahaa...GO DARIEN!

    18 years ago

    i dont think it matters if ppl are emo or goth! they choose to be what they want no matter what people think of them-- im not either im just saying they could make fun of those who arnt for being different then them!

    thats my opinion!
    xx ALi

    18 years ago

    w/e u think some people have nothing be depressed about? think again ... some people have depression desises in which it is inharited ( i have that) i can help being sad but i am taking care of myself and im not letting it get in the way of being happy! and some kids get abused thier parents get divorced ect... and some people dont have anything to be depressed about but you dont know that for sure!
    just making a point!

  • ŘÅÇĦ♥
    18 years ago

    "emos- cutting urself for sheer attentoin aint cool one damn bit. damn its liek flirting with death sooner or later hes gonna get what he wants." NOt all emo ppl cut for atteition that is what i hate about ppl judge ppl so fast.. you don't know what this person might not tell you they might have a reason to do what they do and you would never know.. Same as depression unless you are someones best friend you can't say they don't have a reason to be depressed. lIke on here ppl say wannabe depressed ppl how do you know they aren't for real and you accusing them of being fake is tearing them apart even more.

  • we_all_live_to_die
    18 years ago

    THANK YOU RACH!!! i agree 100%

  • linderrrxo
    18 years ago

    emo is a person that is very emotionary. most emo peple cut them self but some don't i am emo and i don't cut myself sooooo they are almost always sad about some thing and are very moody


  • Synyster
    18 years ago


    I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch.

    I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control.

    I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser.

    I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people.

    I'm NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, so I MUST be a loser.

    What about you?

    I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic.

    I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists.

    I'm BLACK, so I MUST carry a gun.

    I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty.

    I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be smart.

    I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy.

    I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS.

    I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape.

    I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.

    I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.

    I'm an ATHEIST, so I MUST hate the world.

    I DON'T HAVE A RELIGION, so I MUST not have morals.

    I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.

    I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed.

    I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay.

    I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash.


    I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.

    I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem.

    I'm INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenient store.

    I'm AFRICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage.

    I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore.

    I'm PREPPY, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister.

    I WEAR SKIRTS A LOT, so I MUST be a slut.

    I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs.

    I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive.

    I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob.

    I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth.

    I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a stupid ditz.

    I'm WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.

    I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars.

    I'm MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border.

    I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy.

    I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.

    I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut.

    I'm ITALIAN, so I MUST have a big cock.

    I GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY, so I MUST be a spoiled brat.

    I'm ALWAYS SMILING AND LAUGHING, so I MUST have a great life.

    I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin.

    I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.

    I'm a WHITE PUNK, so I MUST be racist against black people.

    I DYE MY HAIR "CRAZY" COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention.

    I DRESS IN "UNUSUAL WAYS", so I MUST be looking for attention.

    I'm INTO THEATRE & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual.

    I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.

    I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS,so I MUST be sleeping with them.


    I HAVE BIG BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe.

    I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer.

    I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be cool and thats how Russians roll.

    I'm GERMAN, so I MUST be a Nazi.


    I'm BRAZILIAN, so I MUST have a BIG BUTT.

    I'm PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST look good and be conceited.

    I'm SALVADORIAN, so I MUST be in MS 13.

    I'm POLISH, so I MUST be stupid.

    I'm HAWAIIAN, so I MUST be lazy.

    Im a VIRGIN, so I MUST be prude.

    I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly or crazy.

    I'm BI, so I MUST think every girl I see is hot.

    I DO DRUGS so I MUST be making nothing of myself in life

    I'm SHORT so I MUST be a midget

    Really, I think people need to leave each other alone. Labels are labels and nothing more. What you perceive about a person by the way they dress or act, or the people they hang out with or the music they listen to... it doesn't mean they are as you think. A person might be Emo, but that doesn't make them a cutter. A person might be preppy - that doesn't make them a snob. I might be Goth, but does that make me Satanic? No. Could like country... doesn't make em a hick. Most of what you think when you hear "Chav", "Goth", "Redneck", "Emo", "Prep" and whatever... Usually what you think of is a description of the minority in that certain "label". Sure, some cutters are "Emo". But a surprising number, you'll find, are "preppy".

    You need to know a person before you put unfair labels on them. So if you hate stereotypes, let the circle stop with you.


  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    I like to stand for punk rock, but nowadays people go WAY to far with labeling. Now it's if you wear black a lot you're goth or emo. If you listen to an emo band because you like some of their songs that makes you emo. That is wrong. Everyone is their own person. We are each individuals. Sure we are diverse in th people we hang out with and way we dress, but that shouldn't matter. I'm getting sick and tired of people talking behind my back because i like to dress different and listen to different music. Punk, goth, emo, prep, jock, they are all ways of life. We all get a little judgemental now and then, everyone does, but it's wrong to judge someone before you know them. You may not like the way a person dresses, but you shouldn't hate them because of it. I don't hate anyone. I personally dislike someone only if they treat others badly because they're different. Those are the people that bother me. I say someone is preppy, if they have that attitude. I'm personally sick of being classified as something i'm not. We're all just people. I don't think the whole "clique" thing is ever going to change though because everyone has their own opinions of other people and they are not going to change that. I believe that punk is a way of life. Just like every other label is. As for Poseurs ..well they are people that think they can be labeled something by dressing or acting a certain way. They try to be something they're not because some of their friends do it. Before anyone puts a label on someone else, get to know the person, and if they are okay with being labeled, then label away, but if not, why do it? Labeling often hurts or angers people, but it's never going to stop.

  • Tainted Beauty
    18 years ago

    I dont even understand what makes you "emo". From what I know, emo is not a good thing. Emo stands for emotional, why would you want to label yourself as that? You wonder why people "hate you" or don't take you seriously, you are labeling YOURSELF as an emotional little whiner, who would want to be friends with someone like that.

    I'm sorry if I've offended you, but it's the way i feel.

  • linderrrxo
    18 years ago

    i no so many people that are emo and then have a lot of friends and no one hates them ya they are emotional!!!!! but that don;t mean anything they are still good friends and you should not juge some-one with even getiing to no them first!!!! so you should think about that before you write some thing like this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriuosly

    linda xoxoxoxox

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    u never kno if the person u call emo or goth wants to be called that... u might hurt their feelings/ make them mad/feel misjudged...

    wat abt the people that others label emo? what if they didnt name themselves theat, people just think they do?

  • Emma
    18 years ago

    i totally agree with everything said by
    XxX))Eclipse((XxX...labels are stupid....and just because you do one thing you get one label..when you dont deserve it...

  • VSambulance
    18 years ago

    the whole fact of *emo* or the term...
    came from music.. "emo bands"
    it was just a name given to music, that was considered more EMOtional than other types... deeper i guess you can say...
    now it's a way to get noticed by society, an effin label. how stupid. i got called emo once... i gave the girl the dirtiest look. i dress how i want to dress, i listen to what i want to listen. what i listen to has nothing to do with that i wear. i enjoy the two things.. serperately... anyways.
    emo has now become a label... like, prep, goth, scene, gina, gangster.. another part of teenagers vocabulary... for all the torontonians.. you might know what i'm talking about.. there was an article in the toronto star... for parents... it was a list, and was called. "is your kid emo?" are you kidding me?

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    Yeah, I have more to say on this topic. I like topics like this.

    As many people have stated, emo was originally a type of music - but do you know what every single emo band had in common?


    If you was to sucessfully become a member of an emo band, you had to have dark hair, and you had to have a sweeping fringe. Doesn't anybody remember that when the craze started a year or two ago? Emo wasn't just the music, it was the look too.

    So of course, people copied.

    "Oh my god, that is cool. I wanna look just like them." - you get the idea.

    I hate in when people dressed in obvious emo get up call themselves original. Gah! So you're telling me thousands of people worldwide came up with the exact same fashion trend, without once seeing it on someone else first? Yeah right!

    Anyway, I digress. So people see this emo look, they like it, they copy it. Naturally, you'd look utterly ridiculous in the emo gear, and didn't have the right attitude. So the attitude is going to be copied too.

    Now I'm sure so many of you will say that it's not true, people won't copy an attitude to be 'cool'. But if you're going to copy the dress sense of thousands of people, why not copy the attitude? By following the whole trend, it kind of already shows you're a sheep - might as well follow the crowd to the whole extent.

    Anyway - anybody else noticed that of all the people that have given themselves a label, or have been called one by someone else, the majority is emo. Sounds like a trend to me - not so much an original look, no matter how much it's argued.


    So to the labels. I will label people for the rest of my life - and although so many of you are going on and on about how stupid it is, I bet you've put people in different stereotypes before. I'm quite sure that you every single one of you has labelling someone at least once.

    Have you never been walking through an alley, seen a shifty man, and worried he might do something to you? That's labelling.
    Or seen two young woman looking drunk, wearing short skirts and having a shouting match in the street. I bet you thought the worst of them. Or did you think that they could both be very quiet girls normally? No, I doubt it.

    We label people every single day, and most of the time, you won't even notice. So whilst everyone is moaning about "labelling is stupid" or whatever, you're all doing it. Deny it all you like, but I've never met a single person that hasn't judged someone purely on the way they look.


    And who was it who said Taking Back Sunday aren't emo? Have you not listened to the lyrics: "You could slit my throat, and with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleeding your shirt"

    How more emo can you get?

    Wow. That was longer than I thought.

  • FeelingIsickIinmyhead
    18 years ago

    ...This topic is confusing and crazy. People can be who they want to be. Emo and Goths dont care what any one says. They can be what they want. It doesnt matter if they are show offs or whatever. You just have to go on with your life and let them go on with theres! I myself am a emo and I dont care what any one says. I can dress whatever I want to dress and I can cut myself whenever I want to cut myself and yes its because im depressed not showing off. But if they do show off its because they need attention or they think its "cool." Why I am saying this and not sitting in a corner crying about life? Because I have nothing else better to do and you guys should just quit judging the way people look and act.

  • Cantchangeme
    18 years ago

    i love emo music, but i dnt like emos who wear tight pants, it scares me, if its a dude you can practically see the wrinkles in his ballsac, so yeah a kind of love hate relationship. I'm a pixie

  • RainbowSlider
    18 years ago

    I guess I am in the wrong thread. I wanted to stand up for Elmo. I think Elmo makes a lot of sense. Of all the puppets on Sesame Street I like Elmo the best. :)

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    people dislike them because they are not what many call "normal"

    ....way to treat the outcasts... slap on a label and make fun of them for being different.