wannabe depressioners!?!

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    i am depressed , been like this since i was little-slowly going through the motions trying to find a little scrap of happiness,ive been through every horrid thing i can think of and i dont know how i havnt killed myself by now-not through lack of trying or anything

    but i dont get when people say im crying and i dont know why!

    this really miffs me off as when i cry i know why im doing it and im sure that people like me cry for there own special reason too but when a _______ cheerleader or sumit starts crying about there perfect life i find it really hard to simperthise with them.....
    ......by crying about nothing i mean-oops i stepped in something wearing my new shoes or missing a clothes sale......thats stuff she cries at...

    mean and harsh i know but what do you guys think?

    october x

    ...............(sorry if i offended anyone)

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    " but when a [no need to swear] cheerleader or sumit starts crying about there perfect life i find it really hard to simperthise with them.....mean and harsh i know but what do you guys think?"

    People like you make me so angry. Maybe they have problems too, but because they appear to be 'perfect', people like you who are too busy being wrapped up in their own lives don't notice. People are allowed to get upset you know.

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    "i dont get when people say im crying and i dont know why! this really miffs me off as when i cry i know why im doing it"

    I've cried plently of times without any clear reason - and a lot of people have. It is very possible to not know the reason.
    If you know why you're crying, go target your depression - knowing and accepting is the first step to recovery, is it not?

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    no-13 years says so!

    like i said i didnt mean to offend anyone with this post, i just wanted peoples thoughts on it..

    the cheerleader doesnt have any problems as i know her!

    and i didnt technically swear,i stared it....

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Yes. As you know her. Stop being so god ____ judgemental. People may possibly have problems, but don't want to tell anyone. You ever thought about that?

    You starred it? That doesn't matter. It's still swearing whether all of the letters are there or not.

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    "no-13 years says so!"

    You've been depressed since you was 8?

    And yes, regardless of what you say, accepting depression is the first step to recovery. If you don't accept it, you can't or won't even try, will you?

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    duh - yeah....

    i did accept it but no recovery for me-i know her so i can be judgmental....your a bit of a hypacrite too... like, get down of you ____ sopebox will you.....yous are judging me!

    and the fact that i starred it shows that my anger intends to swear but for the delacacy of others i starred it so they know my intent but still its not swearing no matter what you say......

    why are you so angry-is it what i said or is it because what i said is true, or that it has some truth behind it?!!?

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    Firstly, where exactly did I judge you. I asked you a question - and stated an obvious fact. That doesn't sound judgemental to me.

    "why are you so angry-is it what i said or is it because what i said is true, or that it has some truth behind it?!!?"

    What you said was unfair - about the whole 'crying for no reason thing'. And like Kim has said, just because someone looks like they have the 'perfect life' it most certainly doesn't mean that at all.

    "the cheerleader doesnt have any problems as i know her!"

    Well either you must be a good friend, if you really know her, which is horrible if you're going to moan about a friend like that.
    Or your not good friends with her, which means you DON'T know if she has problems or not. Not *everyone* feels the need to advertise their problems.

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    i was replying to both of you!!!!

    we are good friends,she does have the perfect life but the drama queen that she is she crys for everything....and to everyone about nothing....at the minuet everyone is avoiding her but me-some friend i most be if ive stuck with her....eh?

    she has no problems and if she did she wouldnt hide em-she isnt like that, if somethings wrong she fixes it....

    now i didnt invite you into mine or her problems all i wanted to know if you agreed or disagreed with the opinion of do you hate cryers who have nothing tio cry about basically......maybe a few lines of your own opinion but my intension was not for you two to attack me verbal for attacking my friend thats what you seem to think any way.

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Since when did we judge you? I replied to what you stated about yourself. i feel that you are judging these people by saying they have nothing to cry about, Stop being so shallow!

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    "and the fact that i starred it shows that my anger intends to swear but for the delacacy of others i starred it so they know my intent but still its not swearing no matter what you say......"

    So, if I put "H*llo", you're saying im not saying hello? Or if I put ... "Hyp*crite" , im not saying hypocrite? Just because you have put a star does not mean that people don;t know what it means, they have minds. It;s called filling in the obvious blank. The delicacy of others? Right.

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    "i was replying to both of you idiots!!!!"

    If you're going to call either of us an idiot, make sure you proof for grammar and spelling mistakes first - it'll just make you seem a hypocrite.

    Now I've not once got angry, I haven't called you any names, and I certainly don't remember 'verbally attacking you'. Reread if you like - you may notice I've given you an honest opinion. The worst thing I said it that you was 'being unfair'.

    If you want to start a thread, be prepared for people to differ. Not everybody is going to say "Oh I totally agree..".

    "all i wanted to know if you agreed or disagreed with the opinion of do you hate cryers who have nothing tio cry about basically......maybe a few lines of your own opinion"

    Ok. So here is my answer. People will always have things to cry about. There is no such thing as the 'perfect life'. So no, I don't hate it, because your question was stupid.

    Now if you said 'Do people who feign depression for attention annoy you', I would have agreed. What you asked was just ridiculous.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    Everyone remain respectful. Especially the original poster. If you're going to ask a question like that, expect people to be of a different opinion than you. If you can't handle that, don't post. If you flame them, your post will be in trouble. If this thread can't shape up, it's getting deleted.

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    I'm not even gonna say anything. *closes mouth*

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    then _______delete it then-i dont care....

    ..i was wanting civelization but no i get 2 people who havnt an idea of what IM acctually talking about. talk about sheep following and kissing ___, ever felt like walking away from the group of people saying the same 2 things anf think of something new and different to say?

    didnt think so--

    *******new post right here then******

    people who cry for nothing annoy me....what are your views on the subject? (not the poster and theres)

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    You can't know that they cry for nothing. There's so many people out there that when you look at them, they seem like they're so happy and they have the perfect life. But, underneath all that it's so much different. A few people have even asked me why I act so happy when I'm really not.

    There are "some" people you have a sook over the stupidest things. But.. Not everyone crys over nothing! {I'm not starting fights either, Just stating my opinion =)}

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    ".i was wanting civelization but no i get 2 people who havnt an idea of what IM acctually talking about. talk about sheep following and kissing ass, ever felt like walking away from the group of people saying the same 2 things anf think of something new and different to say?

    didnt think so--"

    ". talk about sheep following and kissing ___"
    So who exactly were we following? Becasue We both replied on our own accords and didn't have a whole group of "sheep" around us?

    We do have an idea of what you are talking about, and we gave you our OPINIONS, which we are entitled to, so if you can't handle people's opionions (which you asked for I hasten to add) thenyou shouldn't post just topics.

    I rest my case, and before I get in trouble, im out,becuase I have never once been offensive to you and being called an idiot and other implied insults, I feel i am mature enough not to retaliate.

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    each other! i have noticed that when you reply with an answer that the other one Kara i cant follows you - not exact wordings but similar and within 10 minuets of you typing it!

    AND i already said ok, new post!
    so you did retaliate as you typed your last post post to me!

    ANYWAY-enough is enough.......



    ((((((((((APOLAGIES TO ALL)))))))))))))

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    No retaliating would be swearing and insulting you back, I am just replying. There is a difference. And anyway, I shall let others reply to the original post. Just expect similar posts to Kara's and mine.

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    yes you replied-and at the same time had a go at me for thinking this of my friend-well i didnt ask what you thought of me thinking that of my friend just your opinion of the crying bit.....

    i appolagised and everything!


  • we_all_live_to_die
    18 years ago

    alright i just want to make something clear to everyone i don't want to argue i was thinking making a thread to explain this to everyone but depression is very relevant and if you don't what it means it means that it is diffrent to everyone something that causes some people to kill themselves will seem like nothing to somebody else..it's all diffrent to other people i mean we all think diffrently so when something happens it will effect us diffrently also i mean some people call cutters stupid and well we aren't thats just how we handle things personally i am a pessimist so it is very hard for me to look on the positive side just remember everything is diffrent to everybody and october just because somebody seems happy doesn't mean they are i used to act happy for all my friends and family nobody knew i cut until about 3 months when i decided to confess to some of my close friends my best friend didn't even know so well they could just be hinding all of their pain regardless of how well you think you know them.. thanks everyone for reading this and like i said i don't want to argue with anyone i just wanted to get my point out there.. the fact that depression is relevent(sorry if i have been spelling that wrong) is not my opionin(still can't spell) it is a fact thanks =)

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    I will not take back my opinion, nor will I reply anymore.

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    dont-i dont want you to retract your oppinion on the crying just stating the obvious that you had opinions on everything not just the question i asked.

    the post has changed-for the better i hope....

    .....but dont you ever get sick of hearing it?

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    some people do call cutters but i dont and i understand people have different ways of expressing themselves.

    i was a pessimst then i was happy for a while and became optimistic....now im back to pesamistic attitudes again....so i have seen both sides.....and yet still nothing

    thats the type of opinion stuff i was after...


  • we_all_live_to_die
    18 years ago

    are you sure your not just a pessimist that tried to be an optimist and failed cuz well ive tried i had even stopped cutting for 4 weeks and everything but then in the end it all came back and well it just hurt me more to keep it all inside like that and np i love to express my opinions and i try to make people understand what it's like even though sometimes it's near impossible

  • Carlee Ann
    18 years ago


    this post is so negative.

    People are taking it kind of personal... I think October just wanted some opinions, I think we sort of read into it a little bit too much.

    October, my thoughts are that everyone, including your cheerleader friend, has problems.And not everyone wants to share them... You can cry and not be considered clinically depressed.


    I think y'all insulting eachother is kinda dumb.

    Everyone feels pain of the heart once in a while...

    God bless, ♥


  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    if she wanted opinions then maybe she shouldn't have told everyone how bad her life is and how much she hates it when someone who appears happy starts getting sad.
    You (october) would have no idea what their life is like unless you knew them now, would you? If you do know these people you're judging, then I almost agree with what you say and can understand how you'd feel like that. But... Personal Story:
    okay so I have a friend. Her wonderful life is just peachy. Her parents are not divorced. Her father is a nice little pastor. She smiles every day.

    Ever heard of pretending and how opinions like yours make everything worse for people like my friend?

    Her mother doesn't let her have a life and hates every single one of her friends and accuses her of doing stuff she never has, resulting in lack of trust and misery for my friend. Her father critisizes everything she does and tells her she should be more popular, when not being angry and throwing chairs at her. Her parents have not gone one day in a month without causing her to fall asleep/wake up to fighting.

    But you wouldn't know it because she always wears the "right" clothes and the "right" make-up and she's always smiling and pretending nothing's wrong because SHE doesn't want anyone to KNOW.
    So when someone comes across her crying and asks why, she simply replies with "I don't know" or "nothing" cuz it's all she can think of.

    Not everyone's going to tell YOU why they're crying. Alot of people will even lie to you and give you a bull sh!t excuse. Also, some people are "wannabedepressionists" or whatever you called them, and are just pretending. So how about we all give everyone a chance before judging them, and if we don't like what we see we can say so afterwards.
    I'm sorry if I offend anyone for what I'm about to say, but honestly I'm not even a slight bit sorry if I offended anyone with the above content. I tried to make it sound as nice as possible.


  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    okay by the way everyone, I'm really really sorry about all the profanity, and I'll try to watch that better. It was definitely wrong and probably ruined the post.

  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    also, you don't need to state how many things you've been through. That just pisses alot of people off.

  • we_all_live_to_die
    18 years ago

    i agree 100% with butterfly on this one because well i used to be like that.. for example my parents don't know that i cut and well if somebody asled them they would probably say my life is pretty happy and well that would be wrong it's all an act i force myself to smile around them i force my self to lie all to make sure they don't worry..you see we don't want people to know to don't want them to worry but now it seems like we are being put down for that? i'm sorry but i really don't see how you could do that.. i'm not trying to offend anybody with this post i am just sheding a little light on the other half thank you

  • Love Panda
    18 years ago

    thanx much everyone....

    .....reall appreciate your opinions and hope they keep on coming.....

    i think what i was looking for was insight in to the whole thing rather than trying to miff people of with the post and everything.

    think i just wanted to know why, like other ultimate questions like i dont know-just how hot is the sun..?

    thanx anyway...

    october xx

  • Jaime
    18 years ago

    "people who cry for nothing annoy me....what are your views on the subject? (not the poster and theres)"

    Personally, I don't feel like I actually have anything to cry about when I compare my problems to some of the problems I hear people talking about on this site, and other places. Yet I still break down every few days, and I have no idea why. I guess I do kind of annoy myself, but I can't help it. I am a very happy person normally. I think that everybody breaks down for no particular reason every now and then.

  • Ironic Allure
    18 years ago

    However insignificant it may seem to others, what they're crying about is probably just as important to them as your past is to you.
    The fact you have difficulty rationalising the situation isn't a reflection on their life, moreover you're consumed with your own problems to worry about other people.
    It's actually a very selfish thing to say, when you notice that someone's crying, yet you can only think about yourself and your woes.x

  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    We_all_live_to_die, I have the same problem.

    I'm sorry, October, but even when you're saying "thankx anyways..." it seems to annoy me, like if I could hear you there'd be something in your voice.
    I'm really sorry for saying that, it's just...true.

    But yeah, I think maybe it was something with the way you worded your questions. Wording, like tone of voice, can change a question or intention alot.

  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    Everyone has their own challenges. You don't know then 100% because you aren't them, so just do yourself a favor and don't judge them about it, instead ask what you can do to help them feel better, so they won't be sad in general. It makes the world happier, and you happier, and it all works out better than all the fighting and accusations.


  • Love Panda
    18 years ago


    ))))))))TO BUTTERFLY(((((((((((

    when i say thanx im not being condisending or out like that i truelly am thankful for the views you people put out, its kinda helping me understand a little bit more.......

    seriously no bullsh....

  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    that's good.