All time best and worst

  • Million Tears
    20 years ago

    all time best would be good. but all time worst....... i dont think people would like it. but good suggestion!

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    Yeah I agree with you LPfan. I don't think people would appreciate their poems being under best worst.. it least I know I wouldn't. But the all time best would be a good idea.


  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    Heh do you mean all time best in the actual literary world, or on this site? Either way, I think it will be inevitable that some good poems will go unnoticed, considering the voluminous amount of poetry submitted to this site daily.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I think all time best is a good idea... as for all time worst, I think that just not making the all time best list will be enough to discourage some people.... I mean I know my poetry isn't the best... wouldn't expect to be on that list...but would be totally humiliated to see it on the worst list...

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    I think that this is a good idea however i don't think the bad poetry is a good idea.

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    hmmm, i kinda agree with you DONE WITH THIS S. but then again we can only "hope" that those poets would write better poetry next time.

    that's right, we're too nice and way too afraid of offending another person... big deal... i think that those gazillion 1's next to a poem is enough clue to let them know "that a particular poem is pure crap..." why bring them down lower? just tell me what's the point...

  • My Obsεssion
    20 years ago

    I don't think that the all time lowest is that bad of an idea. I mean if your poem sucks and you can't come to grips with that then you need to delete it or get off this site or something, I guess...I know that my poems aren't the best I have ones rated in in the 2-3 area but I keep them on here anyways because I know that while they may not be my best work I still put a lot of time and thought into them and they should be on here even though they may suck. I for one would not really care or get discouraged if one of my poems was on the all-time worst list because I know that I can do better. And if I can't...well then maybe I need to come to grips with the fact that I suck ha. I don't really know...those are my thoughts on it if anyone cares and if not then just forget I said anything.

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    hey you're back! been two months huh? for the all time worst poems- are you suggesting something like a 'top 20' and then 'top 19' down to one or just 20 poems altogether?

    personally, i wouldn't mind if the poems are packed together as there would be 19 other people suffering with me. but then again, some people (including me) are a bit sensitive about getting their reputations smeared. i'm not saying i have a reputation but it's still public humiliation. :/

  • Kevin
    20 years ago

    Yeah all time best is a cool idea...provided that no one could put themselves forward for it, and also, if there was say 40 poems to be voted on for a top 10 placement...then the poems would have to be judged purely on their merits...and not the names and reputation of the author...don't want anyone getting influenced by gold stars and big hitters eh?

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    so matt, are you saying that there are going to be 20 poems altogether for the all time best/worst?

    ...or will there still be a separate one which would be crowned the ultimate best/worst?

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    ok... i guess i could take that. i mean either way (best/worst) it's still fun to see my poem up there and see what others think about it.

    and (hopefully) they'd give me honest critiques so that i can improve my poetry if and when i finally make it to the all time worsts. i, of course, would also try my best to help them so... :)

  • Kevin
    20 years ago

    Mr Plain, you need to get outside, you know with real people, maybe meet a nice girl and settle down, cause bro, the kind of weakness you are displaying in here just reeks of "geek boy tough behind a computer screen"

    Go check out some of my posts in these forums, you'll see just how much i aim to please.


  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    Hey Matt,

    1: When did that happen?

    Why will i ever hate you? You are such a good person. You have to try very hard for me to hate you. It's just that i was very busy. And i am busy till December. I am sorry for not mailing you. I lost contact with most of the poets. I will sincerely try to find some time for you.

    Take care.

    About All time best and worst... I don't find it very necessary. But it doesn't bother me either.


  • Kevin
    20 years ago

    I must repeat that if this scheme gets put into place, then once the poems to be voted on have been collected, they should appear WITHOUT the names or accolades of the person who wrote them. It's the only fair way to conduct things.

    If someone gets ranked then yeah sure, post their name so they can reap the glory. But when it comes to voting, let the poems themselves be the only information poeple have.

    It makes sense to my Vulcan sensibilities.

  • Kevin
    20 years ago

    You are mistaken Plain once again, i've always said that i do not believe having the names of the people shortlisted for the top 20 should be included next to the poems. If they win based purely on their work, then yes slap their name up there so they can reap the glory, but until then, keep it balanced.

    It'd be like having Stephen Kings name next to a horror short story in compition against some unknowns. Granted no one in here has the same writing status as Mr King, but still, there are well known reputations that would without a doubt influence the voting.

    Do you understand? I'm in favour of this idea, i just want it done properly.

    Even as a point of view, you have offended so many people in here that if your name was next to a poem, well...i'm sure you'd win something...heh heh.

  • Kevin
    20 years ago

    *smiles wryly*

    You sure you ain't offended anyone Mr Plain? Because i'm sure that your "poem" "BLACK PEOPLE, AFRICAN AMERICANS, WHATEVER"...offended about 7 people who felt so offended in fact they posted a comment about their offence. I can copy and paste one of their comments in here if you like, with their permission of course.

    Care to lie again? You're being soooooo offensive i doubt Janis will even create the compitition now. Just think of the associations it would bring. Nice one dopey.

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    ... that was an interesting poem

  • Kevin
    20 years ago

    You offend me Plain. Thats 1.

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    woohoo! er- hooray! well, at least half of our plea didn't go down the sink. still, janis was right. lots of poems don't have any votes/comments.

  • Kevin
    20 years ago

    ....along with names and ranking letters unless they actually win.

    : )

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    i'm half and half about the names. because people could just search the poem and voila! i don't know if you guys can do something about that...

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    what a descent site. oh, you know L337 too? :) i think 'pimple' poetry sounds clever. were you a member of that site before you came here, matt?

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    :) what happened to this thread?