why do people make you change?

  • what happened to friendships
    18 years ago

    why do people change. Some of my friends have told me that i have to change and stop being so depressed or that i have to change to get a b/f because i have never had one. Why do friends tell you have to change when people have gone up to some of your friends and said that they liked you but no one has ever come up to you and tell them that they have liked them. Please answer that.

  • Brian King
    18 years ago

    kinda confusing but from what i got it's because people are "ignorant n' stupid"

  • RainbowSlider
    18 years ago

    Why do people change? Because almost everything changes. People will fill your head full of all kinds of things. Some people like to control other people. Some people feel that if everyone was like them then everything would be perfect. Be yourself and let others be themselves. It works out a lot better that way.

  • xx5OUL
    18 years ago

    People change because that and death are the only things that are ever certain in life.
    Change is inevitable when it comes to almost everything and people change all the time. It's just a matter of accepting it.

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Perhaps in your case its because they care and want to see you happy?

    Its not like there asking you to take drugs, jump off a bridge or do something compltely foolish out of pressure they are doing it because they dont want to see you down anymore, sounds like you have some decent friends and probably should be taking some of there advice hey?

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    ^ I agree. I would say the same thing to my friends if I thought they needed to hear that.

    Although you should never be anything but yourself, you should also put the positive side of you across. It creates a better image to people who percieve you - it makes you shine.