does anybody else not rhyme?

  • Praying 2 Satan
    18 years ago

    I'm kinda new, but every poem ive read so far has rhymed. im not saying their not good poems, but i prefer free verse. i feel left out. am i the only one who doesn't rhyme?

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    18 years ago

    I have a poem or two that don't rhyme. But I usually like to rhyme. i don't know why. It's just what I like my poems to have. I like poems that don't rhyme as well. It's the emotion that gets conveyed. Personally, I'm better at making a poem more emotional with rhymes. I dunno...


  • Goran Rahim
    18 years ago

    I have one called LEFT THE CITY, but i don't know how is it cause i always work with rhyme, so i think you are the right person to tell me if i should try free verse, cause i don't have enough experiece about it although i like it.

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    18 years ago

    I almost always rhyme simply because I like to. But I don't always do it, because sometimes I feel that the content can be made more powerful if you concentrate on the way the words flow rather than how they sound.

    A friend of mine never rhymes either, and I find his stuff to be extremely powerful and enjoyable just because of the manner in which he puts everything together.

  • *_Clara_*
    18 years ago

    i like reading both poems that rhyme and poems that don't

  • Colby
    18 years ago

    I tend to write about 50/50 in rhyme/free verse, but one thing that irriates me about rhyme is overused rhymes. Some rhymes you find in many people poems, and it's like "i swear i just saw this 5 minutes ago". And yes, I do it to so don't call me a hypocrit

  • Christie
    18 years ago

    Well i rhyme, but thats just a personal choice. I find free verse more confusing.. but thats just me and the way i think and process poems. Free verse works well for some people. Rhyming poems are probably more common, thats why u haven't read a free verse poem yet. Thats not to say free verse is in anyway wrong or inderior. =)

  • Heather
    18 years ago

    You're not the only one. I only have 2 rhyming poems, and I don't think they're very good. I also prefer free verse poems.

  • Roxy
    18 years ago

    you're not the only on ein the world who doesn't realy rythm lol i suck at it see look

    i feel like a duck
    swimming in the sea
    eating no fish so happily
    blah blah
    i suck at it

  • Biscuit
    18 years ago

    some of my best poems are the ones that dont rhyme!

    bonfire night
    the lonely feather
    let there be love
    but now i am found
    love hurts
    my repent

    i find that free verse is very effective at capturing raw emotions with the right words as u dont have to worry about whether it rhymes or not!


  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    My two newest featured poems are the first lengthy poems I've written that don't rhyme... Check them out!!!

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    I don't know if I have any poem that is either rhyming or non, I mostly just write down what I'm feeling, or what works for the story, play with the wording a bit, and if that happens to come out to a rhyme or not, it's authentic. and that's all that matters.

    forced rhymes are as frustrating as forced un-rhyming. unless frustrating is the emotion you want to convey, avoid it.

    love hurts
    my repent


    my repent
    love hurts

    though, granted, none of these versions seem real for me because the poem is so emotionally distant, but that can be another type of emotion

    and, rule guide, any poem that begins "I feel like a duck" is going to sound trite

  • bob
    18 years ago

    I don't usually write poetry, but I do write letters. I have been told a few times that they are poetic even though they don't rhyme.
    My opinion is that poems don't have to rhyme. They should express you feelings, your emotions, your point of view.
    In answer to you're question though, I would have to say no...

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    I rhyme. But I still like unrhymed poems. {usually}

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    I rhyme sometimes.

    If I do, it's never planned, that's just the way it comes out. And most of the time my rhymes don't have a set rhyme scheme, either.

    Take my poem "Yellow Bricks and Memories (This is Goodbye)" as an example. There is quite a bit of rhyming, but it is pretty random.

    That's how I usually write - at random, so there's normally no telling what is going to end up on the page when I'm done with it.

  • cassie
    18 years ago

    I prefer poems that don't rhyme also. I am pretty sure the poems I have dont rhyme.

  • Arcane Blondie
    18 years ago

    None of my poems rhyme except one, but I like reading both types of poems--

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    I actually perfer free verse as well, although I do write the occasional haiku =)