I hate men.

    18 years ago


    18 years ago

    nothing, im just tired, and bored, and yeah! how are you?

    18 years ago

    paha, WHO!?!? is it a boy? lmao

    18 years ago

    kill the queen

    18 years ago

    she just sits on her fat ass all day and suddenly shes royalty. woo.

    18 years ago

    the britash queen! -pukes-

    yeah sure! -hands over my potato gun-

    18 years ago

    awww! lol

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    Yeah. This whole loving & men thing is pretty common. It's sickening that independent woman/girls need, or even just want men.

    I plan to become asexual if my love life doesn't sort itself out by next year.

  • Jordan (TheMalevolent)
    18 years ago

    Hahaaa, Kara!

    You should definitely do that! It would be so awesome if humans had such capabilities.

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    Yeah. I'm gonna find out how, and settle with that for life - I'm sure it can be done.

    Angelina, It can get boring without a man in my life, but I have plently of fun being single, and my life is easier - I'd love to see how men would cope without woman. That would be interesting to watch.

  • Jordan (TheMalevolent)
    18 years ago

    Ha, yeah it's true....although I'm pretty sure that I could survive without a woman in my life.

    But then again, who knows....I'd probably just crumble and die.

  • Kara !
    18 years ago

    "But then again, who knows....I'd probably just crumble and die."

    It's likely. lol.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    this is funny. Tons of men go without women, they turn to two things: Catholicism and little boys.

  • JC
    18 years ago

    I think men wouldn't survive at all. We need women to help us thro our daily lives. There also nice too

  • Jordan (TheMalevolent)
    18 years ago

    "We need women to help us thro our daily lives."

    ^^^Elaborate...I think I sense a debate coming on and I want to get involved.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    lol. what? what exactly are we angelina, I would like to know. And I have one favor to ask of you, that you do not confuse men with boys or teenagers, thanks.

  • Jordan (TheMalevolent)
    18 years ago

    Well, Angelina, I'll have you know that I am capable of cooking (in fact it is one of my hobbies), cleaning and - yes, AND - doing laundry (I've been doing all three of these things since the age of about...12).

    I would never expect a female to do all of these things for me....plus, I can probably cook better than a lot of females out there. Sometimes I'd rather just cook it myself.

    Don't throw these goddamned stereotypes at us just because there are a few assholes (well, more than a few) out there.

    Just think yourself unlucky that you haven't found a guy that's capable of taking care of himself.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    No reason to get riled up about anything Jordan. Remember , this is in the friendly forum.
    Angelina, maybe you are looking in the wrong places. Or not looking, cause in another post you said you don't look. Maybe you are making yourself available in the wrong places.

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    I wasn't getting riled up (ok, maybe I was....but I was trying to do so in a civilized manner), I was just explaining that there's more to men than what certain people say that there is.

    I apologize for responding so irritably.

    Enough said. :D

  • RainbowSlider
    18 years ago

    Kill em all and let God sort them out. Your planet is doomed. We will just hide and watch and when you all destroy yourselves we will simply take over the planet. We don't have long to wait my fellow Andromedans. I would give them another few decades. Lets all go to McDonalds and celebrate. Victory is ours. LMAO

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    So the books are making you angry because they say that women are more apt to do house hold work. I'm sorry I am trying to understand. I know you are venting, but I would still like to understand better where you are coming from. It seems to me you are more mad at the roles women take, or get type casted with than anything else.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    truthfully, you shuld be asking for a hell of a lot more. You speaking of marriage, yes you need to ask for a lot more. Marriage isn;t held together by love alone. Being there for you is not going to happen all the time. No body could possibly do that. People fail that's what you should know you can count on. But if you are speaking of marriage, yes, you need to ask for a lot more. Maybe that is why you feel so bogged down thinking and reading about this stuff. You read about all the stuff women do and only ask that much of men.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    I think you are stressing out about something that you don't need to worry about. Just do what you need to do and the rest should fall into line. You know what you want and can wait on that. Be patient, and until then, fill up your time doing things you like to do.

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    Nate, you are my hero.

    I wish I could cook anything other than pasta.
    Well, Italian food in general. I just love it so much I learned on my own. Never really cared about learning to cook or make anything else. Wanna teach me ? lol